Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

As I sit here, I think about how bummed I am that Kevin is working and will be away from home yet again. I think about how my family is out of town and we have no barbecue plans. No family get together, no plans at all.

I look outside and see the flag in our front yard. As with every holiday, I am given the opportunity to teach my kids about the given holiday. Today is Memorial Day.

What does Memorial Day mean to you?

As I explained it to Kaylee... There are men and women who are away from home for months, and years. They leave their families and they go fight for what they believe in, the things that are important, and the things that are right. It is because of  them that we have the life that we do.

I don't have to go to war. Kevin does not have to go to war.

We do not leave to bring peace and provide safety to a whole country.

We get to stay here.

Sometimes... these brave men and women die. They fight the good fight, they stand up for those who are weak, they fight for others, and they put their own lives on the line.

They pay the price so we don't have to.

My heart is filled with so much gratitude.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Not My Baby Anymore

Landen has always called his older sister Kaylee, Tee-dee. We had to explain this to Kaylee, as she was confused and knew that Tee-dee was not her name. We all became accustomed to it, her cute little nickname.

This past weekend Landen has been calling his sister, Kay-wee or Tay-wee or Tay-lee.
I have been working on this here and there over the past couple of months, but something happened this weekend that made it stick.

EVERY time he talks to his sister it surprises me. I think, "Did he just say her name?" EVERY time.
Why is it such a surprise?  EVERY time? This little boy is growing up. How did it happen so fast?

After the initial shock, I feel sad, I feel down. I may never hear him say Tee-dee again!

Hearing him say Kay-wee is just about the cutest thing ever... but I still feel like holding onto that little toddler who tried so hard to communicate with his sister. Now they are becoming close friends and talking back and forth to each other. Although they fight... I know they care very deeply for one another. I love seeing their friendship grow!

Remember when they were this little??

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Nature School

This month Landen has been apart of a free-trial for Honeybee Nature School. 

He loves Nature School! If only every day was a Nature School day!

He loves the opportunity to get out of the house, explore and make new friends!

The snacks are healthy and Julie is amazing!

For more information check out Honeybee Nature School

Saturday, May 9, 2015

What I Am Eating - April

What I Am Eating

For those of you who are new to the blog, "What I Am Eating" was created after I began my elimination and paleo diet. Often I get the question. "What can you eat?" As I find and try recipes out there, I share them with you! Here is a series of my favorite finds!
Creamy Spiced Cauliflower Soup

Creamy Spiced Cauliflower Soup was a family favorite! It was a quick and easy, mid-week dinner that I was able to throw together with the ingredients we had on hand. I think we were all surprised by how delicious it was! I decided to add a can of green chilies and we topped it with shredded chicken and avocado slices.

Easy Baked Lemon Chicken | Crispy, lemony, quick and easy weeknight meal.
Easy Baked Lemon Chicken

Kevin has missed two things: Enchiladas and Fettuccine Alfredo. This month I made both! I made this red enchilada sauce, flour tortillas for Kevin and these Grain- Free ones from Ancestral Nutrition for me.


This easy homemade enchilada sauce takes just a few minutes to make, and tastes worlds better than anything you can buy in a can.
A quick pinterest search for "gluten-free alfredo sauce" is how I found this keeper! It was SO GOOD! Our whole family LOVED it! It was so simple to make too. Kevin and the kids ate organic pasta and I ate mine with brown rice pasta and zucchini spirals. We also topped ours with chicken and oven-dried tomatoes. Head over to gimme some oven for the full post!

With the price of strawberries going down... Here is a treat you will LOVE!

This grain-free strawberry crumble uses almond four and the natural sweetness of summer strawberries for a dessert that is healthful and easy to make!

Paleo Strawberry Crumble by Stephie Cooks! Click to see her full post.

***We topped this with Vanilla Coconut Milk Ice Cream, slivered almonds, cashews, and shredded coconut.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Final Love Who You Are Weekend Experience

As always... here is everything you need to know about this weekend! This weekend wraps up our Love Who You Are Experience!

I hope you enjoyed this experience. I know I did! I created this experience for women mostly, although everyone can benefit from the tools that I shared with you along the way.

I have huge plans for this blog. Make sure you check back often and follow our Facebook Page. You won't want to miss out!

In short, this weekend is about having fun, enjoying your time with family and loved ones. I challenge you to make the most of everything you do!

Friday - 

Step into feminine energy and challenge yourself to enjoy the journey and allow others to do more things for you. READ MORE.

Saturday -

Take the time to do one of your Self-Nurturing ideas. Do something for yourself so that you can have the capacity to do more for the other people around you. READ MORE.

Sunday -

Enjoy the day! Fill it with the things and the people that you love. Be feminine, allow others to help you, be positive! 

Journal about your day and your experience. Reflect on everything you have learned and the feelings you have had. READ MORE.

Enjoy your weekend!!

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #20!

Day Twenty!

Congratulations you've made it through the 20 day Love Who You Are Experience! I would love to know how the experience went for you. How are you feeling today compared to how you felt that first week, that first weekend? Take a moment to leave some thoughts down below. 

Today is also Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all of you! I want to extend the invitation to you to think of today as a day to celebrate womanhood and the role of "mothers." While you may have children, or you may not, you may be a bereaved mother, a soon to be mother, or you may not be to that place in your life, you deserve to be celebrated!

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #19

Day Nineteen

We are coming to an end fast. Only today and tomorrow are left. This experience has gone by so fast, I can't believe it!

I challenge you to create a list of Self-Nurturing ideas if you have not done so. Keep this list in a safe place where you can go to it when you need it. Today I challenge you to once again do something that fills you up and makes you happy. Hopefully this weekend already includes lots of love and pampering. Enjoy it!

You deserve to be cared for and loved, it does not matter who you are or what your circumstances may be. You are loved.

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #18

Day Eighteen

We've talked a little about Feminine Essence, I love the way those two words sound! They are beautiful and powerful!

Today you have the opportunity to learn about two different energies or forces that we have on this planet. They are both powerful and work best when they are balanced and complement one another. These two energies are: feminine energy and its opposite... masculine energy.

What does Feminine Energy mean to you?
What words come to mind? What are their opposites?
What words describe MASCULINE  Energy?

Feminine vs. MASCULINE

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #17

Day Seventeen

Congratulations to all of our Giveaway winners! The real prize is at the end of this challenge. I expect that many will drop off from here, unfortunately. It is to be expected. However, those who seek, shall find. Those who put in the effort, shall be rewarded.

We have 3 days left of the Love Who You Are Experience! We have learned a lot during these seventeen days, I hope you are using the tools that I am giving to you! They will bless your life if you let them.

These tools are for you, they are my gift to you. Let them benefit your lives. I hope that you will continue to use them long past this experience. I hope that you will come back and repeat the experience again! I have learned so much doing each of these challenges along with you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Congratulations EVERYONE!

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #16

Day Sixteen

We use affirmations during pregnancy and birth to fill the mind with positive thoughts and strength.

Affirmations or Declarations are capable of doing the same thing. The unique thing about declarations is that they belong to you. You get to choose what they are and what message they send.

What are declarations?

Declarations are a statement or series of statements that you read and say aloud to yourself. If you see it and read it, you will become it! Don't believe me? Put it to the test. I dare you!

The really cool and exciting thing about this is that it is so simple!! Small and simple things have the power and ability to become large and great things.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #15

Day Fifteen

Maybe you're one of my faithful blog readers, maybe you read some of my posts and you are trying to do some of the challenges, or maybe you have just happened upon this. If you do nothing else, DO THIS ONE! 

I had no idea how much I needed this experience, until I did it myself. It was just over seven months ago when I accepted the challenge and WOW! My experience was phenomenal! IT WAS LIFE CHANGING! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #14

Day Fourteen

Last week I challenged you to stretch. Today we are going to take that one step further and combine it with play!

Today I challenge you to start DANCING!

Yep, you read that right. 

Today friends, we are going to dance. Will you dance with me today?

Friday, May 1, 2015

The GIVEAWAY!!! Everything you need to know!

Here is EVERYTHING you need to know about our Giveaway!

Our Just in Time for Mother's Day Giveaway is coming to an end. You have until May 5th, at Midnight (MST) to submit all of your entries!

Love Who You Are Weekend Experience #2

Weekend #2

Welcome to our second weekend together!

Here is everything you need to know about this weekend:

Thursday - 

We talked about things that we enjoy and things that we would like to learn how to do. Consider doing one of these things this weekend. READ MORE.

Friday - 

Are you planning a girls night out? A lunch date? A play date with other mom's? What are you going to do? READ MORE.

Saturday -

What is one thing that you have been putting off? Finish it. Feel accomplished. Make sure you head over the the facebook page and "like" it. READ MORE.

Sunday - 

Just like last week, spend today with family. Reflect on this past week and journal your experiences and emotions. READ MORE.

Develop a habit of taking care of yourself. Refresh and renew yourself every weekend. Play and load up on oxygen!

Enjoy the weekend!!

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #13

Day Thirteen

Sundays are the perfect day to reflect on the previous week and journal your thoughts and experiences. I invite you to take some time today to reflect on your experience so far. How has this past week gone? How are you feeling? Where would you like to improve? Start with these questions, begin expressing yourself.

A few things you can do:
  • Take a walk.
  • Enjoy fresh air and sunlight.
  • Play- what a great way to enjoy time together, create memories, and strengthen your relationships.
  • Enjoy a self nurturing/ Oxygen activity- Do something this weekend that will give you an extra boost and allow you to help other people. 
  • Find and challenge yourself to do something that you enjoy! I give you permission. Now give yourself permission to do it!

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #12

Day Twelve

You know that thing that you've been wanting to do, but you haven't done it yet?

Today, I want you to do it! Choose one thing that you've been putting off and get it done!

Acknowledge your work and feel good about your accomplishment. You are productive!!

Share with us on the Event or Facebook Page

***Make sure you "Like" the Discovering Your Own Stream Facebook Page!

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #11

Day Eleven

Who doesn't enjoy girl time every now and then? I know that as a mom, I cannot not tell you when the last time was that I went out with a bunch of girls and just had fun. Married life changes that. Motherhood changes that. 

There is just something about spending time with another women. Talking, laughing, connecting, and listening to someone who is relate-able. Spending time talking to a friend just feeds us something that we are in need of.

Your challenge for today: enjoy girl time!