Friday, May 8, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #19

Day Nineteen

We are coming to an end fast. Only today and tomorrow are left. This experience has gone by so fast, I can't believe it!

I challenge you to create a list of Self-Nurturing ideas if you have not done so. Keep this list in a safe place where you can go to it when you need it. Today I challenge you to once again do something that fills you up and makes you happy. Hopefully this weekend already includes lots of love and pampering. Enjoy it!

You deserve to be cared for and loved, it does not matter who you are or what your circumstances may be. You are loved.

As we come to a close this weekend, I want to thank each and every person who has read these posts! You all are so awesome! I appreciate everything that you do for this blog. Pass it on to those who need a boost! I'm on a mission of doing good, a mission of helping others, and I have a goal of causing a lot of people to be happy! Help spread these messages of goodness, everyone wants to be a happier! You can cause happiness!

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