Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

As I sit here, I think about how bummed I am that Kevin is working and will be away from home yet again. I think about how my family is out of town and we have no barbecue plans. No family get together, no plans at all.

I look outside and see the flag in our front yard. As with every holiday, I am given the opportunity to teach my kids about the given holiday. Today is Memorial Day.

What does Memorial Day mean to you?

As I explained it to Kaylee... There are men and women who are away from home for months, and years. They leave their families and they go fight for what they believe in, the things that are important, and the things that are right. It is because of  them that we have the life that we do.

I don't have to go to war. Kevin does not have to go to war.

We do not leave to bring peace and provide safety to a whole country.

We get to stay here.

Sometimes... these brave men and women die. They fight the good fight, they stand up for those who are weak, they fight for others, and they put their own lives on the line.

They pay the price so we don't have to.

My heart is filled with so much gratitude.

The "American Dream"

For several years, Kevin and I thought the "American Dream" was dead.

We live in a world full of fast food and instant internet. We want everything handed to us. Fewer and fewer Americans want to provide for themselves. The successful are being pulled down. We thought, "What is this country turning into?"

If only we were back in the day when the american dream was real and highly sought after. When hard work was valued and we dreamed and fought for a better life, to provide a better life for our kids and our grandchildren.

Very fortunately, The American Dream is still alive!

I can be who I want to be. I can become who I want to become. I can choose for myself and I can choose for my family. 

As long as they fight, we will have freedom!
As long as we fight, we will have freedom!

We still have a choice! We still have a voice!

I have freedom of speech and religion. I write my thoughts and feelings on this blog. I believe in God. I pray to my Heavenly Father. I can join and worship in my church of choice. I freely read scriptures and have access to them. I can read and write English. My husband and I are free to choose how many children we have. It does not matter if they are male or female.

I can wear the type of clothing that I like to wear. I eat when and what I want. I can give my consent or decline medical procedures. I can have a career or stay home with my children. I can choose where I want to give birth and who I would like to assist me. I  can choose where I live and what I do. I can choose for myself and so can you!

This is because of someone else. I have what I have and you have what you have, because of them!

We will never be able to repay the debt that we owe. Thankfully and graciously, the price has been paid, and it is continually paid by those who are brave and self-less.

What will you do to not waste it?

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