Friday, May 8, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #20!

Day Twenty!

Congratulations you've made it through the 20 day Love Who You Are Experience! I would love to know how the experience went for you. How are you feeling today compared to how you felt that first week, that first weekend? Take a moment to leave some thoughts down below. 

Today is also Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day to all of you! I want to extend the invitation to you to think of today as a day to celebrate womanhood and the role of "mothers." While you may have children, or you may not, you may be a bereaved mother, a soon to be mother, or you may not be to that place in your life, you deserve to be celebrated!

I know that Mother's Day is not a happy day for everyone. For the moms who are missing children for whatever reason, my heart goes out to you. For those who have not had the opportunity to become a mother, whatever reason that may be, my heart goes out to you. For those who see Mother's Day as a tender day for any reason, my heart goes out to you.

I have seen woman mother those in their communities, church, and extended families. Whether or not you have your own children with you today, you have the ability to have an influence wherever you go.

I extend an invitation to any who are struggling: do something extra special for yourself. You deserve to be cared for and loved, it does not matter who you are or what your circumstances may be. You are priceless and loved.

Today I challenge you all once again do something that fills you up and makes you happy. Hopefully this weekend already includes a lot of love and pampering. Take good care of yourself.

Today I celebrate YOU!

I hope that you fill today with the things that you enjoy and spend your time with those you love, and those who love you. 

Do something that you enjoy! Today is your day!

Be feminine, look beautiful, feel beautiful, know that you are beautiful.

Be kind to yourself, feed your mind with positive thoughts.

Allow others to help you and serve you. You are worth so much!

Reflect on your day and your experience. Journal your thoughts and feelings so you will have something to look back on.

As we come to a close, I wish the very most for you! I hope that you have witnessed change, I hope that you were able to stretch yourself, to do more than you usually do, to do things you usually do not do.

We all began this journey in different places in our lives. Some of us may have started out by being positive and confident. Many of us may have been "okay" with ourselves. Some of us may have been struggling. Where did you begin? How far did you come? Did you take it to the next level?

I hope that through it all YOU Love Who You Are! I know that I am a great person, I'm pretty awesome, I'm beautiful and I love who I am!

I hope that through this experience you have learned more about yourself and hopefully you understand just how amazing you are!

I know that you are amazing! I hope you are able to see that!

Come back and use the tools that I have taught you, share with me and with others, the experiences that you have had.

You are awesome! 
Stay Positive! 
Love Who You Are! 
Have the most wonderful day!!!

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