Friday, May 1, 2015

Love Who You Are Weekend Experience #2

Weekend #2

Welcome to our second weekend together!

Here is everything you need to know about this weekend:

Thursday - 

We talked about things that we enjoy and things that we would like to learn how to do. Consider doing one of these things this weekend. READ MORE.

Friday - 

Are you planning a girls night out? A lunch date? A play date with other mom's? What are you going to do? READ MORE.

Saturday -

What is one thing that you have been putting off? Finish it. Feel accomplished. Make sure you head over the the facebook page and "like" it. READ MORE.

Sunday - 

Just like last week, spend today with family. Reflect on this past week and journal your experiences and emotions. READ MORE.

Develop a habit of taking care of yourself. Refresh and renew yourself every weekend. Play and load up on oxygen!

Enjoy the weekend!!

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