Friday, May 1, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #11

Day Eleven

Who doesn't enjoy girl time every now and then? I know that as a mom, I cannot not tell you when the last time was that I went out with a bunch of girls and just had fun. Married life changes that. Motherhood changes that. 

There is just something about spending time with another women. Talking, laughing, connecting, and listening to someone who is relate-able. Spending time talking to a friend just feeds us something that we are in need of.

Your challenge for today: enjoy girl time!

This could be a playdate at the park with your little ones. It could be a lunch date. OR Maybe you'll go all out and tonight or tomorrow, you will throw together a Girl's Night! Go to dinner, do something fun!

My vision for this experience is to see women getting together with other women, helping them to get out or their homes, their jobs, their routine, and have some fun together. (Of course I'd love to see a photo or two of what you did!)

Don't forget our giveaway is coming to an end. You have until Tuesday, May 5th @ Midnight (MST) to submit your entries!


Unknown said...

I couldn't get out for a girls night that day, but I got out last night with one of my beautiful friends and we had a blast! Laughing and talking! I haven't had a girls night out for a while. I came home and today was a little easier to handle.

a&nevans said...

I enjoyed some girl time over the weekend with my friend of 28 years. It's so much fun to reconnect and share stories! :)