Friday, May 8, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #18

Day Eighteen

We've talked a little about Feminine Essence, I love the way those two words sound! They are beautiful and powerful!

Today you have the opportunity to learn about two different energies or forces that we have on this planet. They are both powerful and work best when they are balanced and complement one another. These two energies are: feminine energy and its opposite... masculine energy.

What does Feminine Energy mean to you?
What words come to mind? What are their opposites?
What words describe MASCULINE  Energy?

Feminine vs. MASCULINE

  • Goddess vs. Warrior
  • Creating vs. Building
  • Intuitive vs. Action Oriented
  • Discovery vs. Delivery
  • Brainstorming vs. Decision Making
  • Opening vs. Closing
  • Feelings of the Moment vs. Focusing
  • Collaboration vs. Competition
  • Enjoying vs. Winning
  • Co-creation vs. Creation
  • Go Together vs. Go Alone
  • Attracts and Pulls toward vs. Pushes Away
  • Gathering vs. Hunting
  • Allowing vs. Controlling

I am becoming more feminine. I've spend too much of my life in masculine energy. I've been too intense, controlling, closed off and competitive. Let me just tell you... that is not a person you want to be around.

I know this, because no one wanted to be around me. Not my husband, not my kids, not my family. No one. Being masculine all the time... is lonely.

I feel off-centered when I linger in masculine energy for too long.

Usually, but not always, women are more feminine. 
Usually, but not always men are more masculine.

The person in a relationship who is more masculine is commonly known as the one "wearing the pants."

We all need both Masculine AND Feminine attributes. 

Each of us has been given both. Both are important! One is not better than the other.

However, I was designed to be a woman.

I intuitively know how to be a female, a goddess, a woman, a feminine being. Inside of myself, I contain everything that I need to be this person. I just need to awaken and bring out those strengths. 

Is it okay to be masculine?

Yes! And will you need to be masculine sometimes? Yes! The important thing is to recognize that you can switch between the two when needed. That is why men and women have been given both energies! 

I can make decisions and be independent. I can build and take control. I can provide structure and discipline. I need to do these things everyday.

When I need to... I can do these things.

I can do these things when I need to.

When I create a balance between masculine and feminine energy I feel content, fulfilled, and satisfied.

I am a women, I feel centered and peaceful when I am who I am. 

I believe I was taught before I came to earth. I imagine the lessons that I must have learned. I dwelt with other women, they taught and inspired me. I believe this is why we have intuition. I believe this is why some attributes and abilities seem so natural and innate. I learned before I came here. I did not come to this earth unprepared.

Feminine Energy 

Feminine energy attracts and gathers. It has the power to bring what you desire into your space. It can gravitate opportunities, money, friendships, and positive thinking towards you and your family. 

Feminine essence is compassionate and understanding. This energy is responsible for nurturing. It allow you to heal broken hearts and life up others who have fallen down.

Feminine energy is full of creation and co-creation. This includes the ability to create human bodies, new ideas, passions, hobbies and crafts.  
God designed me to be feminine. 

I challenge you to continue to be more feminine this weekend. 

In addition to dressing, walking, and talking like a woman, enjoy spending more time in feminine energy.

If masculine is controlling - be more allowing. 

Be more gentle and less strict with yourself and your family.

Practice Allowing 

Practice allowing other people to help you. All to often we try to do everything ourselves. Let other people help and serve you. Let your husband, significant other, or date, open your doors for you. Give your children the opportunity to put things away for you. If you have the luxury, let someone bring you breakfast in bed.

If masculine energy is about winning - practice enjoying the journey.

Practice Enjoying

Life is not about winning, unless you are running for your life. In which case, I do suggest you win!

Don't compare yourself to other women, moms, friends, co-workers, family members... It is NOT a race. It is NOT a competition. 

Life is meant to be enjoyed.... during the journey. Not just after. The ups and the downs will come. Always make the best of it and be grateful for your circumstances.

Practice gathering and attracting good, and wholesome things.

It always seems that women are the ones who have that first desire to eat healthier. You can pull that into your family. Notice that I am not saying "grab and shove" it toward your family. That doesn't work. I know because I've tried it. Love and support those you care about...

You are influential. You can attract anything you want for your family. Pull it into your space. Good or Bad, it will come. Please make sure you choose the GOOD!

What Things Can I Gather and Attract?

Eating habits are one thing. 
Physical activity, yoga, goals to get outside more, recreational activities,
Hobbies, self-nurturing for each family member, 
The ability to think positively, the power to detox and destroy negative thoughts, 
Dance parties, playing,
Instilling self confidence and positive body image, 
Journaling and Reflection time,
Reading from Good Books,
Forgiveness and Gratitude,
Patience and Acceptence, 
How to handle Chaos and how to put things in Order,
The power and differences between Masculine and Feminine Energy.

You can bring all of this into your life!

Recently I was taught the "Law of the Freeway"

The Law of the Freeway is this: You have people ahead of you and people behind you.

Look ahead -  Follow the good influences, those who inspire, uplift, teach and lead by example. Surround yourself with people who encourage you to be better. Surround yourself with people who do things better than you do.

Take what you learn in this life and teach those behind you. Change and adapt to become a better person, help your family, and help everyone else along the way.

Dear Friends, your journey has just begun. You have the tools you need, gather them, and pull them into your life and the lives of those around you. 

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