Friday, May 8, 2015

Final Love Who You Are Weekend Experience

As always... here is everything you need to know about this weekend! This weekend wraps up our Love Who You Are Experience!

I hope you enjoyed this experience. I know I did! I created this experience for women mostly, although everyone can benefit from the tools that I shared with you along the way.

I have huge plans for this blog. Make sure you check back often and follow our Facebook Page. You won't want to miss out!

In short, this weekend is about having fun, enjoying your time with family and loved ones. I challenge you to make the most of everything you do!

Friday - 

Step into feminine energy and challenge yourself to enjoy the journey and allow others to do more things for you. READ MORE.

Saturday -

Take the time to do one of your Self-Nurturing ideas. Do something for yourself so that you can have the capacity to do more for the other people around you. READ MORE.

Sunday -

Enjoy the day! Fill it with the things and the people that you love. Be feminine, allow others to help you, be positive! 

Journal about your day and your experience. Reflect on everything you have learned and the feelings you have had. READ MORE.

Enjoy your weekend!!

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