Thursday, April 23, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #3

Day Three

If you've ever been on an airplane or watched a movie with airplanes, you likely have heard these words of advice. In the movie, Moms' Night Out, (which one lucky person will win as part of the giveaway) this piece of advice is used as a metaphor and is the reason behind their "fun" night out.

I often wonder, if in the event of a sudden emergency, would I remember to put on my own mask before trying to save others. As a mother myself, intuitively I might be more focused on saving my children. As a wife, I might want to save my husband before myself. As a friend, I might want to help others, because they need my help too.

Now, of course the reason for this caution is obvious. If you are attempting to save someone else without oxygen, you'll pass out, becoming useless. Coincidentally you would then become somewhat of a burden, but mostly just useless.

When you are taken care of, What does that enable you to do for others?

As women, mothers, friends, neighbors, sisters, girl friends, daughters, aunts, cousins, grand-daughters, grand-mothers, whatever roles you play, we have to have oxygen for ourselves. In my post, You are ENOUGH, I talk about spreading myself so thin, that I break. I've done that way to many times in my life.

Every day I work to overcome that feeling, it remains a continuous and constant thing to work at. Here is how you can too:

As we head into the weekend, Today we are going to brainstorm ways that you can receive oxygen.

We can call these things Self- Nurturing Ideas, Pampering, Self-Love, Me-Time, Things that you enjoy, what you call it is not as important as the purpose that it serves. Your Oxygen.

I recommend that you take just a few minutes and create a list. Keep it somewhere safe so that when the need arises, you have options!

I challenge you, and myself to do 3 simple things today:

  1. Begin brainstorming and creating a list of things that will be your oxygen.
  2. Participate by sharing your ideas, to inspire and help others, and by adding new ideas to your own list. "That's a good idea! I never thought of that!"
  3. Choose at least one idea or activity and put it into action. Plan and set aside time this weekend to take care of yourself. You have until you fall asleep on Sunday Night to accomplish this.

Photo Credit: The Power of Making a List

Let the list making begin! Comment below.


Unknown said...

A few of my favorites include:
Reading, taking a bath, watching a movie either by myself or with my husband, going on dates, eating at a restaurant, running an errand by myself, learning to make something new, and eating ice cream.

a&nevans said...

I love listening to music, usually Taylor Swift or Katy Perry, taking long baths, playing games, and snuggling with my kids and husband!