Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #9

Day Nine

 Today's post is simple and short. Continue to write letters to your body. Just like last week's mental detox was followed by good positive things to fill you back up. Writing letters to your body removes those negative emotions. Today we fill that space with positive emotions. Watch these videos and look for the challenge below.

No, I am not being paid by Dove, although that would be nice. I just really LOVE the messages that they are sending.

The challenge for today is simple, but also difficult. I challenge you (and myself) to stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are and anything else positive you need to hear.You can also read your list of Things that I am good at or Your New Story!

You are more beautiful than you think you are!

1 comment:

a&nevans said...

I love when I feel love for myself and truly feel that I'm a beautiful person inside and out. It's hard but so nice to feel that way!