Thursday, April 9, 2015

Portabella Pizzas

I've been curious about portabella pizzas for awhile now. If mushrooms are not your thing then this recipe is probably not for you. Also if your working on eliminating candida or (yeast) this would also be a recipe to skip.

I love meals that are fast and easy. I also love good food! We bought our portabellas at Costco. When my 5 year old told me she would eat them, I knew we had to take advantage of the moment.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

Start by gently scraping and remove the gills. I did not like the clean up on my counter and pan. Next time I'll scrap over the garbage can.

I also found it a little bit easier to remove the gills while the mushrooms were dry.

Next, you will want to carefully rinse off any dirt. Pat dry.

Drizzle a baking sheet with oil. Place mushrooms on the pan and drizzle a little oil on top if you would like. I prefer avocado or coconut oil for oven use. Both of these have high smoke points and are recommended up to 450-500 degrees.

Spoon your choice of tomato sauce into each mushroom bowl.

Top with your favorite toppings. We usually just go with odds and ends that we have on hand. We ended up with sausage, olives, spinach, sweet peppers, green onions and a little cheese. (OPTIONAL) this was my first time adding just a touch of cheese. Don't judge.

As my love for veggies has increased I believe a good pizza can still be a really good pizza without cheese. I've been eating my pizzas that way for several months. If you are dairy-free make sure you have a ton of yummy toppings! 

Once your pizzas are beautiful (more or less) and everyone has had the opportunity to create their own. Toss them into the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes.

Surprise surprise these were so delicious! Tonight it was just the kids and myself and we could have ate more. Next time we will definitely make more. The flavor was amazing. The kids snarffed them down. That is always a good thing for busy moms! With no food wasted I noticed that my 3 and 5 year old finished their plates. No crusts or bread left behind. Are my kids the only ones who like to eat their toppings off and leave the rest? This wasn't an issue as they love mushrooms.

Give them a try. Let me know what you think.

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