Monday, April 20, 2015


Social media sites often make us feel much more alone than connected to other people.We tend to focus on all of the things that they have, that she has...

She must be doing something right..

She has it all figured out.

Look at how beautiful she is.

She has a good body.

She is a good mom.

She is lucky. She is blessed.

She is loved more than I am.

If only I had more _________. Then I could be happy like her.

I am not alone in this.  Have you ever felt this way?

I like to keep my facebook status positive. Look, see... I have good days too.

But, I don't always have it all together. 

My house is not always clean. I'll admit it. Sometimes... a days worth (or maybe a weekend's worth) of dishes pile up on my counter and in my sink. 

Sometimes my kids go way too many days without a bath. 

I lose my mind, I lose my patience. I become the mother I know I do not want to be. I feel bad about it long after the kids go to sleep at night. 

I have my days when the kids turn on Netflix and end up watching it for 5 or more hours. 

My kids leave the house with food on their faces, without shoes sometimes. 

We try to eat pretty well. We try to read for 20 minutes every night. Sometimes we go for walks, we get sunshine. Most days we just stay inside. 

I support, serve, encourage, worry, stress, cry, laugh, love, and live while I try to do it all.

I blog.
I doula.
I mentor.
I am a wife.
I am a mother.
I am a daughter of God. 

I spread myself so thin sometimes that I break.

But... through it all, I am enough. And so are YOU!

I trust in God, and I know that I am right where he wants me to be. He has given me everything I need, to be who He wants me to be. He will provide the way. I know that He is perfect and I know that He does not make mistakes. It is because He made me that I know:

I am not a mistake. You are not a mistake.

He does not make mistakes.

You are where you are, doing what you are doing for a reason.

You are enough, my friend.

I love you. I care about you. 

Give me 20 days. I will give you the tools you need.

Starting April 21, Discovering Your Own Stream will be sharing a daily post, tip, or challenge specifically for women. Although we will be ending on Mother's Day, you do not have to be a mother to participate. 

What you can expect to get out of this:

  • A greater capacity for JOY.
  • An opportunity to INCREASE your FEMININE ESSENCE 
  • More PATIENCE.
  • More PEACE.
  • An abundance in LOVE for yourself.
  • More CONFIDENCE and feelings of WORTH. 
Be sure to check back here tomorrow and everyday after for your new surprise.

Share this opportunity with others!

At the end of our 20 day Love Who You Are Experience, I will be randomly selecting a few women who have shared and passed this onto others. 

Ways you can share:

Share your favorite blog posts or the blog itself: Discovering Your Own Stream

Share our Facebook Page:

Share my Pinterest Ideas:

You will also get more out of this experience (and increase your odds of winning) by commenting and sharing facebook posts, and commenting on blog posts. 

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