Friday, April 24, 2015

Love Who You Are Weekend Experience

Weekend #1

Congratulations on making it through your first week.  Now is also a fun time to join us if you haven't already or catch up on anything you may have been wanting to do. I have designed our challenges to be simple and easy to fit into your normal weekend plans. You may need to make a couple of adjustments but thats okay! Don't stop now!

To keep everything simple, here is everything you need to know about the weekend:

Remember to pick one thing from Thursday, (Day Three) to complete sometime during the next few days - A self-nurturing activity or experience that will give you oxygen. With our busy day-to-day schedules this takes a commitment and maybe an actual spot on your calender.

Make time for yourself. You are so worth it!

Friday - 

Play! Hopefully your plans already include something fun. Good job! You've got this! If your like me and your weekend is full of catching up or being productive, make sure you stop. Take a break, and PLAY! READ MORE.

Saturday -

Awaken your feminine essence! Dare to try something new that helps you feel and look like the gorgeous goddess that you are! This is so much fun! Give yourself permission to be more girly, you will love the experience. I have a date with my HOT husband. READ MORE.

Sunday - 

Today is simple, but also important. Fill your cup, recharge, and rest. Spend time with the people you love. Focus on strengthening these relationships. Set aside some time to reflect over this past week. Write down your experiences, thoughts and feelings. READ MORE.

I'll be posting on Monday, watch for the post. In the meantime, show us how much fun your creating! I'll be posting my own pictures on the event page.


Double entries this weekend! Share your experiences! Share this post with others!

Click here for the Giveaway Details!

1 comment:

a&nevans said...

I went to my friend's graduation party that Friday and hung out with my friends and their families. It's so much fun to get together! Saturday I went to the temple with my sweetheart. It was nice to dress up and feel pretty! Sunday I took some me time and relaxed while my husband took care of my sick kids! :)