Monday, April 27, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #7

Day Seven

Wow! What a fun weekend! Did you girls have fun?

We started last week with a mental detox and for some of us a physical detox too. I know that I am growing right along with you! I enjoyed getting rid of negative thoughts and emotions and filling myself back up with good and positive things.

I had such a great experience with my detox bath, fresh fruit, almond butter, chocolate.... It was so rewarding to soak and slowly eat and enjoy my food. I think I need to slow down and enjoy my food more because that was DIVINE.

I woke up Saturday morning, I dressed up. It was a busy day, everything was non-stop. After all of our the day activities were over, I went on a date! My husband and I are trying to date more frequently. Dating is so much fun! I always forget what its like to spend time together. When my husband saw the fancy, black dress outfit I picked out for our date, he decided to take me out to a very nice place. He dressed up too! After a very slow and enjoyable dinner, we went to a movie, and then picked up our kids.

While we stayed and talked to the grandparents, my daughter came and asked me if I could play with her. I have to admit I struggle so much with playing! I did not end up making time on Friday... Busy working. Ugh. I'm a work in progress.

I took advantage of this opportunity. She wanted to play tag. So I did it. I ran, skirt and all, around the two levels of my parent's house. We played. After that, she wanted to play hide and seek, which is a favorite of hers. I realized though, I haven't played hide and seek for a very long time. This makes me sad because like I said, it is her favorite game. She laughed and had so much fun. And guess what? I did too..

I definitely need to play more!

Sunday is always such a short day, I always picture a slow and easy day, but rarely does that happen. My husband and I did have some time to eat dinner, watch a movie and enjoy dessert together. After everyone went to sleep, I grabbed my journal and did some writing.

As we start this new week, I want to remind you that the more you put into this experience, the more you will get out of it. This week we are going to begin stretching, stretching ourselves just a little farther than we have before. Pushing ourselves just a little bit more than normal. Stretching ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally.

Today I ask you to join me, stretch with me. 

  • Stretching pushes us farther, moves us forward, and creates change. 
  • Stretching allows and enables us to adapt to stress, change, and life. 
  • A mother's skin and body stretches to make room for a baby. Stretch marks are evidence of this amazing ability. 
  • Stretching before physical activity helps protect our body from the stress that will be put on it. 
  • The ability to stretch quickly, enables us to welcome change.This makes life both more enjoyable and fun.
  • Stretching allows us to reach for things and bring them into our lives. 

Stretching is good.

Part 1: Physical Stretching Exercise

As a hypothyroid mom who is healing my adrenals, I like to stretch to move my body, increase flexibility and feel better physically and mentally. I don't want to over do it.

Where are you in your journey? Do you enjoy working out? Would you like to exercise, but cant't find the time? Maybe you don't have the desire or motivation to do so? Thats okay.

To the women who have a routine and workout often... Your awesome! Good job! Stretch before and after your workout and your done! Move onto Part: 2.

For the rest of you, and myself, you may need a bit of a push! You can do this! Adapt this exercise to your personal circumstances. Do what makes you comfortable. Do what works for you!

For me I enjoy yoga. My favorite exercises are planks, downward dog, and cat cow. I also love to throw in some push ups and squats because I need some strength in those areas.

Yoga Poses for a Strong Upper Body

I discovered Cat Cow when I was very pregnant. It relieves so much of the stress that is placed on the back from the weight of the baby and belly. Now I just enjoy the stretch.
Pin it! Cat cow pose. Click to enlarge
Yoga by Candace

I invite you to sit comfortably on the floor and stretch. Stretch your arms, your back, your legs, and your sides. Do as much or as little as you can.

Slow down for just a few moments, take a few deep breaths, release the tension and stress you are holding and be still.... For as long as you'd like. Then continue on with your day. It really is that easy. Anyone can do it. You can even stretch with your kids, it gives them something to do and it is so good for them!

Why are we doing this? Stretching relieves stress. Exercise causes happiness!

How does exercise/stretching make you happy?

The Happiness Effect: How Exercise Makes You Happy

Part 2: Mental Stretching Exercise

Part one should take you 5-10 minutes. Your welcome to do more if you'd like! You go girl!

Part 2 is also very simple and easy to do. Of course I recommend that you do both!

As you continue to fill yourself up with lots of good, positive things, Part 2 goes like this:

Reinforce how amazing and awesome you are! Continue feeding your brain positive thoughts about yourself.

There is this question, often in church settings, community settings, and job interviews, where we are asked about our talents/strength. Ugh... I always hated this question. "I don't have any talents." I said this and I continue to hear other women say this as well.

So today we are going to make a list, as proof and evidence to your mind, that you are amazing. You are awesome! You are talented, appreciated, of great worth, and important!

This can start two different ways: 

1) Things that I am good at:


2) Things that I can do:

If your not sure where to start with #1, start with #2. You may find that once you realize what you can do... you also realize what you are good at. Check out "my list" examples below.

Look at the # on "Things that I can do," and then read the corresponding number on "Things that I am good at."

Things that I can do:

  1. Well, I can make a pretty big mess of my kitchen. I can make lots and lots of dishes. (I then end up asking myself why this happens?)
  2. I can wash our laundry. 
  3. I can clean up my house over and over again.
  4. I can leave my sewing machine on my kitchen table for a month at a time.
  5. Speak in public.
  6. Help mothers prepare for birth, support them during labor and assist them after birth.
  7. Sew
  8. Crochet
  9. I can start up conversations with people. I can make new friends.

Things that I am good at:

  1. I am good at feeding my family. Actually I am really good at making food. My husband really likes it. He loves the food I make him. Sometimes my kids really like it too. We enjoy eating food. I am good at eating food too!
  2. I am good at washing laundry. I am good at providing clean clothes for my family. I practice A LOT!
  3. I am really good at cleaning my house. I am also really good at making messes, especially on the weekend. I get a TON of practice. I am really good at cleaning it back up again and again!
  4. I am really good at multi-tasking, I can sew when I have spare time and still take care of the rest of my responsibilities. 
  5. Teaching and presenting. I am good at being shy and nervous, I am also really good at teaching other people the things that I know. I know a lot of things!
  6. Being a doula! I love being a doula and I am good at what I do!
  7. Sewing trek clothes, and bereavement diapers.
  8. Crocheting baby blankets and other small projects.
  9. I can push myself and do things that scare me at first, but grow me in big ways!

Now its your turn! Make a list of all the things that you can do! Change your way of thinking from focusing on what you can't do... to what you can!

The idea of this exercise is to recognize and realize that you are good at so many things. Once you recognize the little things, you will then be able to recognize the big things!

The two different lists are just my way of showing you the mental process of finding some things that you are good at. You may do this, if you want. Just to be clear, the challenge today is to make a list of what you are good at.

Yep you are pretty awesome! Give yourself a round of applause!! 

Head over to the event page or facebook page and share some of the things that you can do! I can't wait to see what you come up with! Have a good day! You are capable and amazing!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Your a dang good doula too! :).I gotta say..I'm partial to downward dog for my endometriosis and herniated dics. Wish I could stay in that position all day. Ahhhhh.:)