Friday, April 24, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #4

Day Four - It's Friday!

And it's time to PLAY!

When I watch my children play, I learn from them.

I see their eyes light up. Their entire face and countenance is beaming. They put on the biggest smile, the kind that overtakes most of the space on their little faces.

They laugh.

They giggle.

They are free.

In the moment, they have joy. In the moment, they are enjoying life to the fullest, they are doing exactly what makes them happy.

I want to be more like them.

The importance of play.

We are taught to become like little children. They have a way of showing us how to forgive and forget and they do it quickly. They are persistent and motivated in the things that they want to do. In some ways they are fearless. Are we underestimating just how much we can learn from them?

I see a direct correlation between playing and their ability to do the things I just mentioned. Playing helps them to learn and develop physically, emotionally, and mentally. They burn off steam and frustrations. They make new friends. They escape this world and enjoy a made up, make believe one. It's quite possible that they do this to take a break from routine, recharge, and simply - do something more enjoyable. Children have an intuitive ability to play with ease. They were designed this way.

Unfortunately most of us lose that intuitive ability. 

We grow up and we stop playing.

Being the oldest child, I grew up much faster than my siblings did. Because of my unique circumstances, I did not have a choice. I stopped playing a long time ago. I forgot how to play.

I longed to be blond. Because girls with blond hair have more fun. Right?

For others, responsibilities come. Jobs, school, careers, relationships, marriage, parenthood, finances, we grow up and we stop playing.

There is a reason for this. We are not meant to remain and return in the same state we arrived here in. Knowledge, experience, fear, and embarrassment teach us many things. We change and we adapt.

Can we change our mind set and allow ourselves to play like little children?

Many of us grew up with the rule, No playing until all of the work is done. This is a very big problem.

The work is NEVER done.

There will always be something that needs to be done.

The benefits of play. Playing:

  • Reduces stress and frustration.
  • Increases endorphins.
  • Gives us a break from our normal routine.
  • Causes spontaneous thoughts and actions.
  • Adds playfulness into romantic and intimate relationships.
  • Adds playfulness into your relationship with children.
  • Provides oxygen, like we talked about on Day #3
  • Allows you to give oxygen to those who play with you.
  • Inspires creativity.
  • Teaches those who struggle with having fun and letting go.
  • Helps you to play more.
  • Its fun!
Playing creates opportunities for growth and change.

As I invite you to play along during this experience, I am extending to you an opportunity. I know you have potential. I know that opportunities for growth await you. 

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Play on a playground, swing, climb, slide.
  • Instead of pushing a swing, swing with your child.
  • Put on some music and dance. 
  • Dance while you clean the house.
  • Sit down on the floor and play with a child.
  • Play with blocks or Legos.
  • Imaginary play
  • Play a sport that you enjoy or
  • Enjoy one you haven't played in a while.
  • Learn a new sport.
  • Bowling
  • Play a board game with a group.
  • Mini-golfing
  • Swimming
  • Ride a bike.
  • Spend a day at an amusement park.
  • Spend the day at a water park.
  • Indoor sport/adventure activities
  • Do something competitive.
  • Learn something new.
  • Teach someone something new.

Does this list help? What would you add to it?

Today's growth opportunity: Go PLAY!


1 comment:

a&nevans said...

I've been taking my kids to the park for a few hours each week. It's a lot of work for me but it's great for all of us! :)