Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #2

Day Two

Welcome to Day Two. If you are just joining us, Welcome! I'm glad your here today. How did yesterday go for you? I hope you saw and experienced just some of the benefits of detoxing and were able to clear out that extra clutter you've been carrying around. I know I did.

I continue to detox whenever I hear those voices holding me down. You, my friend, can also do this when you feel like you've hit your limit. When your fears, your struggles, your stresses of life become so overwhelming that you just feel full. Please dump those negative thoughts where they belong, you will find that they disappear. You will find that they just don't bother you the way they use to. 

I hope you were able to clear out A LOT of space because today is a new day. Today we are going to begin the process of filling you back up. Filling you back up with all of the good, warm, and important things. Filling you with hope, love, confidence, desire, joy, excitement, purpose, you name it ____________. Today is a fresh start.

Water pouring into glass

Let go of the past.

Ask yourself: Who do I want to become?

Now is your opportunity to write a new story. Your story. Take the time to write one now. 

If you don't know what to write, here is your opportunity to MAKE SOMETHING UP! Create something amazing! You can make it as detailed or as simple as you would like it to be. It is your story after all. 

The quick version, we'll call it Level 1, is to make a list of who you want to be, who you want to become... In all aspects of your life. You can do this! May I suggest something? For our writing exercises, find some music that you like, without words, and play it in the background. Awaken the creativity inside of you. It's there. I know it's there.

Who Do I Want to Become?

If you would like to take it to the next level.. I'll challenge you. Level 2 is to write out your new life story. Who do you want to become? What are you doing? What is your life like? Who are the people you surround yourself with? What kind of fun/spiritual/important/crazy/inspiring/exciting things are you accomplishing? Who are you helping? What are you changing? Who do you want to be known as?

Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.

Can I tell you a little secret? This quote right here ^ is TRUE.  It's true. 

This quote right here ^ is also TRUE!

Today, the weather should cooperate. I want you to go outside and take in a big breath of fresh air, fill your lungs with good, fresh oxygen. Close your eyes, let the sun shine on your beautiful face, maybe you'll feel the tickle of a light breeze. Smile. Exhale. Take a few more deep breaths. Be Still.

Now, I want you to place your hand over your heart, do you feel that? You are here. Life resides in You. You matter. You are important.

Photo Credit: Be The Sunshine

Today is a new day. You can choose where you want to go.

I want to hear from you! 

Comment below or start up a conversation on our event page. You have the opportunity to inspire the rest of the group with what your new story includes. Share with us!

***The Just in Time for Mother's Day Giveaway is going strong! More participation = More chances to win! Just sayin... :) 

1 comment:

a&nevans said...

These quotes are wonderful! I took some time to be mindful today and it was SO calming. It's nice to appreciate the things all around me!