Friday, April 24, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience #5

Day Five

I attended a training a couple of months ago where the focus was on women and the powerful feminine energy that each of us has within us. Ever since that experience I have been increasing my feminine essence. 

I had an experience a few days following the training. It was a Saturday and Kevin was working all day. The kids and I went grocery shopping. I had been wearing make up for almost a week, which is something I never do. I was wearing a long skirt with boots that had heels. It was nothing drastic, nothing flashy or even bright. It was modest. I thought, I look GOOD! 

Something happened during that shopping trip. Everyone seemed to smile at me. Some shoppers even waved. I also noticed that more people offered me help. One day, while doing the same thing, a door was opened for me. GASP! What is happening??

Lately I've been thinking more about these experiences. Was it the fact that I was wearing make-up and I looked a little less plain? It's definitely possible.

Was it because I wore a skirt and heels? Maybe. 

Or do you think it is possible that because I felt better about myself, the world around me was able to see me that way?

Let me repeat that one more time. Because I felt better about myself, the world around me was able to see me that way.

I liked how I looked, (I looked GOOD.) I liked how I felt. I liked who I was.

Friends, sisters, The ability to like yourself, will turn into the ability to love yourself.

I like myself.

This helped me to look up from the floor, the cart handle, and directly in front of me.

Because I was looking up and making eye contact, I became more aware.

Did the attitude that I had about myself, change the way others saw me?

Yes. I believe it did.

Step it up today. Take yourself to the next level. Today's opportunity is to be more feminine, tap into your feminine energy, and practice liking yourself.

I don't know where you are in your life right now, we are all different. So challenge yourself to step it up from where you are.

If  wearing make up is not part of your normal routine, maybe today you try some on.
Maybe you'll learn how to do a new hair style.
Maybe you'll put on a skirt or heels, or both!
Talk in a softer, more graceful tone.
Smooth and slow down your hand movements.
Focus on walking like a woman. 
If you have the means, go out and buy yourself something new, a piece of jewelry, a new nail polish, or an article of clothing.

Become more feminine in the way that you talk, walk and gesture.

Let your feminine essence radiate from your whole body! Take note about how you feel, embrace your beauty and have fun with it!


Karen said...

You have a beautiful soul Brittany. I love that your doing this!

a&nevans said...

I like you too! I also like myself, most of the time, and I'm always striving to be more likable! :)