Monday, May 4, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #14

Day Fourteen

Last week I challenged you to stretch. Today we are going to take that one step further and combine it with play!

Today I challenge you to start DANCING!

Yep, you read that right. 

Today friends, we are going to dance. Will you dance with me today?

Benefits of Dancing (and why you should do it!)

Dancing has very many similar benefits as stretching and exercising.

First, we have the physical benefits: fitness, increased tone and flexibility, movement, increased heart-rate, endorphins, etc.

Second, we  have mental and emotional benefits: lower stress levels, a good source of "oxygen," boost of confidence, mental clarity, the ability to lift a mood, and temporarily escape routine and demands.

And Third, Dancing is one way you can increase your feminine nature or feminine essence! When you walk and move like a woman, you will feel better about who you are AND how you look. 

Staying in masculine energy for far too long, causes us to feel off balance.When we step outside of our natural abilities and divine design, we feel wound up, stressed, tight, anxious, upset, controlling, fearful, etc, etc.

My kids and I are enjoying more and more dance parties. We turn on the Bluetooth speaker and we have fun! 

Sometimes my husband will catch me singing and dancing...and I feel so embarrassed. I suppose I just care more about what he thinks, (although he always says I look really cute. And Hot.) 

If you can relate, dance with your kids, or dance by yourself. Just start DANCING!

What are you afraid of?

You are beautiful- inside and out! Put on your favorite music and dance my friend! I know you will feel amazing!

YOU HAVE ONLY TODAY AND TOMORROW LEFT TO EARN ENTRIES INTO OUR GIVEAWAY!! ***Make sure you "like" Discovering Your Own Stream on Facebook and participate as much as you can!!


a&nevans said...

We also have little dance parties and we love it! It makes everyone happier and the kids get their energy out AND get to be creative. They love seeing me dance and act goofy and I love making them laugh while getting a little exercise! :)

Unknown said...

I love to dance! My girls and I have regular dance parties weekly!