Friday, April 26, 2013


We are really getting into sharing dōTERRA essential oils. They have changed our lives in so many ways! I truly know that it was a blessing from my Heavenly Father that allowed us to find them and be so open to using them. When I am having a hard time with something I always pray and use essential oils, and if I need extra help I ask Kevin to give me or the kids a blessing. Sometimes I just know that the oils are the reason things get better. Then I humble myself and remember that they too came from my Heavenly Father. 

Just this morning Kaylee told me that we should take some over to her best friend who has been sick. She told me she really wants her to have oils too! The mind of a child is so simple, here I worry about what people will think, or what they will say, and she just wants to share. I want to be more like her.

dōTERRA is such a great company. I love the leaders we have, they too recognize the part that God plays in all of this. This truly is all about the product and helping others to feel better. I really wish more people would stop thinking it is some type of voodoo and really open their minds and hearts to them. I know that our family will never live without oils again. I can't imagine going back to where we were before them.

Simply, (for those who are skeptical) essential oils are carefully removed from parts of plants. Peppermint leaves, Citrus rinds, Lavender flowers, they all have tiny oil packets on them. dōTERRA carefully removes the oil and prepares each batch carefully so that they do not lose any quality and so every bottle is the same.

These plants use their own oil to heal themselves from disease, insects, viruses, and bacteria. The oil already knows what to do. When we use the oil on ourselves, our body also knows how to take it in and use it to heal itself. I love that! It doesn't take any thinking on my part. My body will take it in and use it how it needs to. Even in ways I am unaware of it needing to be fixed.

Lately I have been thinking about the plants that were created during the creation, they were put on this earth for man. And ever since then throughout the ages of time people have used them in some way or another to receive the benefits they offer. What a waste to not enjoy them! 

We have been meeting with people interested in learning more about essential oils. It is great to answer their questions and help them on their path to a better life. I love helping people!

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