Friday, April 26, 2013

A new calling... a new direction in our lives.

Just a few days ago I got a call from our bishopric, I thought for sure it had to involve Kevin. I have been teaching Relief Society for only a handful of months. Surprise surprise... I am the new Young Women's 1st counselor. Just as I was adjusting everything changed. I'm really going to miss teaching Relief Society. I have learned so many things from preparing those lessons.

Sunday, April 14th, I was officially called, and set apart. I feel like this is the start of something new. I am scared, and stressed, but so excited!

I feel very strongly that this is where I am suppose to be right now. The entire Young Women presidency is being reorganized. I think that this is a great time for me and those I will be working with to help the young women with the things we have to offer. I am excited for girls camp! I know it will be stressful, full of drama, and such a great opportunity for us to all grow together!

I am also excited to work on my Personal Progress! I never wanted to do it as a young women but now I am so excited to finish it!

I attended a Stake Auxiliary Training last night! I was so overcome with emotion the entire time. The videos we watched on the new curriculum were amazing! I am so excited to have these great, personal and spiritual experiences with these young women. The entire curriculum is focused on loving the youth like Christ loves them. Teaching them, and inviting them to come back to learn more. Having them bear their testimonies so that the Holy Ghost can bear witness that the things that they say are true. I feel so blessed to be able to be apart of this. I have already felt confirmation that the Lord is hastening his work, I know that he knows what the future holds, and I know that he knows the youth will need to be strong enough to withstand the evils and temptations of this world.

What an amazingly, loving, and caring Father in Heaven we have! He truly loves each of us, and he really does want all of us to return and be with him again.

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