Sunday, February 3, 2013

Childbirth International... Becoming a Doula.

On September 24th, I started the process to become a Doula, or as I like to call it a "Labor Support Specialist." It has been such a great journey so far and I am so excited that I will be professionally supporting women and their families during the labor and birth process. After searching out the companies that offer Doula certification I felt that "Childbirth International" was the right one for me. It is such a great program, the manuals are full of so much information and I feel confident in being prepared for the adventures that are ahead of me. It has not been easy! 

There are 3 modules to complete: The first is a Communication module, after a lot of reading there is an assignment that ended up being a 7-8 page essay. I was assigned to write about a personal birth experience and thoroughly reflect on it. I learned so much about my birth from doing this assignment.

The second module is Physiology in Labor and Birth. It has sections such as Physiology for Pregnancy, Labor and Birth, After the Birth, Health and Diet, Pain in Labor, Management of Labor, Routine Procedures during Labor, and Cesarean and VBAC. Each had its own test to complete. There was also a section on Breastfeeding, because as a Doula I can assist a mother and help her learn to breastfeed her baby.

And then the last section is the Birth Doula Skills Module. The manual has really helped me to catch a glimpse of what it will be like running my own business. It consists of: A childbirth class survey, an assignment to find the options that are available to my clients locally. Submitting two support evaluations from two women I supported through pregnancy and childbirth. I am so grateful to these two women who helped me by letting me learn from their births. I am also required to Read 3 books and submit a review for each one. I have two out of the 3 completed. I am almost done!

I really felt that it was important for me to look into the process of natural childbirth when I was pregnant with Landen. In my mind I thought that I was preparing myself in case my labor was extremely fast. At the time I was planning on it being cut in half, as a lot of second labors are. Now as I am looking back I can see it was guidance from my Father in Heaven. Because of the birth I was able to have, I have been led down this path to become a Doula. Having a more natural childbirth has helped me in so many ways. I recently finished a book where a midwife says, "A woman meets herself during childbirth." I love how during labor I persevered, I hit that wall that I did not think I could overcome and I had to search deep, deep inside myself to find the strength to overcome. All along that strength was there and it was birthing my child that helped, and forced me to find it. I am amazed at all of the things I have learned recently. I am confident that this is who I am suppose to be and I cannot wait to help other women achieve their goals.

I had an awesome opportunity to assist a woman during her labor and birth about a month ago. It was such a great learning experience for me. I am so glad that I loved it and that I know that I will love doing this for the rest of my life. I love serving and helping in any way that I can. I felt my Father in Heaven guide me during this birth and I felt as if I were a tool in his hand. I did everything from grabbing drinks, refreshing ice, helping a family member bring in supplies from the car, change sheets, apply sacral pressure, suggest getting out of bed, and different labor positions, walking the halls, massaging her back, helping her husband, applying essential oils, offering reinsurance of normalcy, giving lots of encouragement, taking pictures, taking notes, and writing a beautiful birth story as a keepsake. I loved stepping back and watching the process of birth. And I loved being there and seeing a family welcome their new baby into this world.

I am so excited that I have only a few things to finish up and then I can submit them for my official certification. I am really excited that I have found such a great passion and that it has helped me to crave knowledge and grow so much. 

1 comment:

Lee and Kaylie said...

I like seeing updates on your blog! Congratulations on getting Doula certified! Thanks for all your help!