Friday, April 13, 2012

Kaylee is registered for PRESCHOOL!

I have been so stressed out about finding a Preschool for Kaylee. We have looked into a couple others but after hearing from a great friend we went and took a look at Kaylee's future Preschool. We loved it so much we signed her up right there.

Kaylee will be going to the Community Cooperative Preschool of Ogden.

She has such a great teacher and so many opportunities there. Her school has several teachers that work with special needs and so Kaylee will be able to interact with them as well. I hope this opportunity will give her a different view point of people that are different from her, as well as a love for others.

I am excited that she will be going on a couple field trips and have the interaction with other children. She is so excited to play with glue, scissors, and paint!

While we were there she made such a beautiful picture. I am so proud of her! Her teacher was very impressed!

I can't take the credit for it. My sister Stephanie taught her how to make stick figures. I love how she puts "fluffy" hair, just like Landen.

For her fall just can't come soon enough! I think I'll enjoy the summer though.
I am super excited to have some time alone with Landen and I know Kaylee will be in great hands :)

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