Sunday, April 29, 2012

2 Months Old... Already!

Although I can't imagine life without my little Landen, I cannot believe he has been here for two months already! He is such a sweet little guy. I'm doing the Baby Wise program and I am a complete believer! It says that most babies are physically able to sleep 7-8 hour stretches somewhere between 7 and 9 weeks old. Our sweet little Landen slept for 7 hours straight during the weekend of his 8th week of life. I forgot what I was missing out on... It was so nice!!!

We took Landen to the doctor on Monday, April 23rd. He has had the most runny poop ever and my motherly instincts were not setting off any alarms. I felt bad though after a few weeks of this, thinking I let my kid have diarrhea for weeks and not doing anything about it. But it turned out that everything was normal and he is a healthy boy! I guess my instincts are working just fine ;)

Thursday, April 26th little Landen is 2 months old!

I love him sooo much!

The next day, Friday, April 27th he had his official 2 month Well Care visit. Kaylee was so jealous, she told me she needed a check up.

What a big boy we have! He is almost double his birth weight already!!

His weight was an even 12 lbs. 0 ozs. (58%)!
His length 23.2 inches (61%)
and a head circ. of 39 cm. (26%)

Recently, little miss Kaylee made her way up from 1% to 4% in her weight.
We were so proud of her :)

I double checked with the doctor because he will only eat for 10 minutes max. Now he is down to 5-7 minutes. She agreed he must be very efficent at what he does. He doesn't seem to be lacking in nutrients at all!

Oh and the poor little guy got his first shots. We declined his Heb shot at the hospital so besides his Vitamin K he hasn't had any. He has been hot and feverish and really sore. Poor guy!

Now he has his DTap, Hib, Polio, Hep B, Pneumococcal, and Rotavirus taken care of.

Just last night Landen went 8 hours between feedings! I woke up one happy mamma :) After being feed, he was full of smiles and is starting to make some cooing sounds. I am so excited!

1 comment:

Lee and Kaylie said...

You've been busy updating your blog! I enjoy reading it a lot! That way when we don't see each other often I am able to see how you're doing. Landen is sure getting big and changing a lot since I first saw him! I'm happy he is sleeping so well for you during the night. It's good that Kaylee is all signed up for preschool. When we were together last you were a little worried about that so I'm happy you were able to work it out! Hopefully we can see each other soon!