Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kaylee goes to the Dentist for the 1st time!

What a busy day we had! First we met Kevin at the hospital and I had my 6 week postpartum visit. We got to see the nurse I had spent a lot of time talking to. She was so excited to take a peek at our little guy and was glad he finally came!

Kaylee was finally able to go to the dentist for the first time! We kept putting it off and so when things were settled down we finally got an appointment made.

We had some time to kill before her appointment so we went to the mall to look for Blessing outfits for Landen.

We finally gave in and let Kaylee ride on the horseys at mall.

Waiting in the waiting room...


She loved the "slide chair" It was as if they knew how much she loved slides :)

Her dentist has some awesome skills with children.
She gave her prizes and counted her teeth.

Kaylee had such a great time, she can't wait to go back next time!

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