Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy and Sad

One of my best friends had the joy of delievering her baby boy this morning. What an exciting day for her and her family! I know that both of my births are at the top of my list for best days of my life. It is such a joy and wonderful experience to bring such a sweet innocent being into this world. All the more exciting when you work through all the pain and discomfort and finally reach the end. I have been trying to get her in labor for the past week and now he is finally here! I am so excited for her, how happy she must be!

Tonight I recieved bad news from another of my best friends. It has been discovered that there is no longer a heartbeat for her little baby. Just last week we were talking about how excited she was to meet this sweet baby. Now she is scheduled to deliever, and will not come home with the baby she planned.

My heart aches for all those out there suffering these trials. I know that this is part of our test, but I do not know why such bad things have to happen to good people. I think the greatest trial I could ever experience would be to lose one of my children. I know mothers have to say goodbye way before its time. I know women are told they will never concieve a child of their own. Tonight I am grateful to have my sweet baby to hold. I will try to cherish every moment I am blessed with, for we never will know how short that time may be.

I am grateful for the gospel in my life. I love the peace and the knowledge that it gives to us. Families are Eternal and one day, some day everything will be made right. Father in Heaven please watch over my dear friends tonight.

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