Sunday, April 29, 2012

2 Months Old... Already!

Although I can't imagine life without my little Landen, I cannot believe he has been here for two months already! He is such a sweet little guy. I'm doing the Baby Wise program and I am a complete believer! It says that most babies are physically able to sleep 7-8 hour stretches somewhere between 7 and 9 weeks old. Our sweet little Landen slept for 7 hours straight during the weekend of his 8th week of life. I forgot what I was missing out on... It was so nice!!!

We took Landen to the doctor on Monday, April 23rd. He has had the most runny poop ever and my motherly instincts were not setting off any alarms. I felt bad though after a few weeks of this, thinking I let my kid have diarrhea for weeks and not doing anything about it. But it turned out that everything was normal and he is a healthy boy! I guess my instincts are working just fine ;)

Thursday, April 26th little Landen is 2 months old!

I love him sooo much!

The next day, Friday, April 27th he had his official 2 month Well Care visit. Kaylee was so jealous, she told me she needed a check up.

What a big boy we have! He is almost double his birth weight already!!

His weight was an even 12 lbs. 0 ozs. (58%)!
His length 23.2 inches (61%)
and a head circ. of 39 cm. (26%)

Recently, little miss Kaylee made her way up from 1% to 4% in her weight.
We were so proud of her :)

I double checked with the doctor because he will only eat for 10 minutes max. Now he is down to 5-7 minutes. She agreed he must be very efficent at what he does. He doesn't seem to be lacking in nutrients at all!

Oh and the poor little guy got his first shots. We declined his Heb shot at the hospital so besides his Vitamin K he hasn't had any. He has been hot and feverish and really sore. Poor guy!

Now he has his DTap, Hib, Polio, Hep B, Pneumococcal, and Rotavirus taken care of.

Just last night Landen went 8 hours between feedings! I woke up one happy mamma :) After being feed, he was full of smiles and is starting to make some cooing sounds. I am so excited!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Our Nursery

Our Nursery has been under wraps because we kept our baby name a secret. Since little Landen has arrived, I finally got around to blogging their adorable room we made for them. After some much needed cleaning and some photos taken here it is...

My Daddy made these shelves for us. He is awesome! 

This is Kaylee's side of the room. This is how it looked after we moved all of her things to one side.

Then we divided the room and painted half of it green...

This made a room for her future baby brother.

His crib... and changing table.

It turned out pretty darn cute if you ask me! It was a great way to make use of a long, narrow bedroom. We do have two more bedrooms in our basement but of course we didn't want to put Kaylee down there.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy and Sad

One of my best friends had the joy of delievering her baby boy this morning. What an exciting day for her and her family! I know that both of my births are at the top of my list for best days of my life. It is such a joy and wonderful experience to bring such a sweet innocent being into this world. All the more exciting when you work through all the pain and discomfort and finally reach the end. I have been trying to get her in labor for the past week and now he is finally here! I am so excited for her, how happy she must be!

Tonight I recieved bad news from another of my best friends. It has been discovered that there is no longer a heartbeat for her little baby. Just last week we were talking about how excited she was to meet this sweet baby. Now she is scheduled to deliever, and will not come home with the baby she planned.

My heart aches for all those out there suffering these trials. I know that this is part of our test, but I do not know why such bad things have to happen to good people. I think the greatest trial I could ever experience would be to lose one of my children. I know mothers have to say goodbye way before its time. I know women are told they will never concieve a child of their own. Tonight I am grateful to have my sweet baby to hold. I will try to cherish every moment I am blessed with, for we never will know how short that time may be.

I am grateful for the gospel in my life. I love the peace and the knowledge that it gives to us. Families are Eternal and one day, some day everything will be made right. Father in Heaven please watch over my dear friends tonight.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Kaylee is registered for PRESCHOOL!

I have been so stressed out about finding a Preschool for Kaylee. We have looked into a couple others but after hearing from a great friend we went and took a look at Kaylee's future Preschool. We loved it so much we signed her up right there.

Kaylee will be going to the Community Cooperative Preschool of Ogden.

She has such a great teacher and so many opportunities there. Her school has several teachers that work with special needs and so Kaylee will be able to interact with them as well. I hope this opportunity will give her a different view point of people that are different from her, as well as a love for others.

I am excited that she will be going on a couple field trips and have the interaction with other children. She is so excited to play with glue, scissors, and paint!

While we were there she made such a beautiful picture. I am so proud of her! Her teacher was very impressed!

I can't take the credit for it. My sister Stephanie taught her how to make stick figures. I love how she puts "fluffy" hair, just like Landen.

For her fall just can't come soon enough! I think I'll enjoy the summer though.
I am super excited to have some time alone with Landen and I know Kaylee will be in great hands :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kaylee goes to the Dentist for the 1st time!

What a busy day we had! First we met Kevin at the hospital and I had my 6 week postpartum visit. We got to see the nurse I had spent a lot of time talking to. She was so excited to take a peek at our little guy and was glad he finally came!

Kaylee was finally able to go to the dentist for the first time! We kept putting it off and so when things were settled down we finally got an appointment made.

We had some time to kill before her appointment so we went to the mall to look for Blessing outfits for Landen.

We finally gave in and let Kaylee ride on the horseys at mall.

Waiting in the waiting room...


She loved the "slide chair" It was as if they knew how much she loved slides :)

Her dentist has some awesome skills with children.
She gave her prizes and counted her teeth.

Kaylee had such a great time, she can't wait to go back next time!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend 2012 - Sunday

Easter Morning 2012

The Easter bunny brought Landen some useful items for the future: Teething rings, a fingerbrush, cotton swabs and cute bunny ears. Grandma Susan bought him a yellow hippo bath toy too!
The Easter bunny brought Kaylee a gardening set, Princess and Tinkerbell cups, Playdough eggs and a Leap Frog Write and Draw. (pictured below) She also got an Abby notebook, stickers and some candy from Grandma Susan.

So this cool Write and Draw.. lights up and she can learn to trace and write shapes and letters. After you trace them it will tell her the sound each letter makes. Lately she has been asking me what sounds are made by things (including numbers lol) She loves it!

We can't forget the cute baby Landen! Grumpy face!!

Looking so festive for the holiday :) 6 weeks old.

After going to church as a family for the first time since Landen was born, we spent the afternoon at my parent's house. My mom made a delicious ham dinner and Kaylee had another Easter egg hunt.

And a nice strawberry pie I made for later that night. It was delicious!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Weekend 2012 - Saturday

We began our Easter weekend by going to Lee's Marketplace for an Easter egg hunt.
This year I remembered to bring an Easter basket to put her treats in. 

Then we went home and dyed our eggs with Kool-Aid :)

What a great way to use up some expired Kool-Aid ;o

Later that night, we went to Kevin's sister's house for her birthday party. Brad's mom put together an Easter egg hunt for Kaylee, Ellie, and Dillion.

Kaylee and Papa Jim

Here is a shot of Kaylee and Me with Baby Landen snuggled up in his sling.

Kaylee and her cousin Ellie.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Landen Smiles :D

April 6th, 2 days shy of 6 weeks, Landen Smiles. I had him in his bouncer and I guess I must have surprised him by suddenly coming into view. He smiled the cutest smile ever! It totally surprised me and when I was able to get him to do it again I knew it was the real deal! So I got my camera and he did it a third time!

I just can't get enough of him. I love how it slowly grows and takes up all of his cute little face! I love my happy boy!