Friday, April 15, 2011

What I have been up to...

We've been running out of freezer space lately. (We have on average 5-6 different types of ice cream on hand) I was looking into getting a freezer chest but I really don't have a place for it. The thought came to me to just get a new fridge/freezer. When we moved in we got an old, small original fridge/freezer we bought from family.

It was so exciting to get something newer for ourselves!

We found this side by side for $200! A lady was selling it because it was to big for her house. She agreed on $180 and since she was a smoker I wouldn't want to pay very much more than that.

We spent the weekend scrubing, bleaching, and sanitizing. Everything came off except for a few places missing paint. Good as NEW!!
I can't believe side by sides are so cheap now! A lot of people are getting rid of them to get stainless steal.

Love my new fridge!

We are also donating our old fridge to Rocky Mountain and getting 30 dollars back!

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