Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Yep, I do own a pill organizer

After a day of taking supplements and prescriptions I knew I needed a way to organize them. There is nothing quite so aging as shopping for the right pill organizer. I take on average 15-17 pills a day. I bought this pill organizer from Walgreen's. I love it because I can pop out one or two days worth of pills and take them with me. Perfect for an afternoon out running errands or a day or two away from home.

What are all these pills? (As of February 2015)

  • Whole-Food Prenatal Multi-Vitamins (3 a day, one with each meal)
  • Vitamin D3, 5,000 IUs, I take every morning. -I am very deficient, since being on them I have noticed and Kevin has noticed how much better (emotionally) I feel. Vitamin D also supports the immune system.
  • Rhodiola (Taken twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.) It is an adaptogen, literally meaning - it generates adaptation or the ability to adapt. It has the awesome super power of raising my cortisol when it is too low and lowering it when it is too high. It also helps you to cope and "adapt" to stress. 
  • The cute little pink ones are Antifungals, they slow or stall the growth of yeast. This is different from antibiotics or anti-viral medications. I have almost completed my second and last round of these. (One more week!) They are taken twice a day, I take them with breakfast and dinner.
I then take another prenatal and Rhodiola with lunch, usually around mid afternoon.
  • Probiotic- I try to remember to take my probiotic of either 50 or 100 billion with lunch as well. Most people recommend probiotics that are refrigerated. Some also say that if it does not need to be refrigerated, you should not buy it. -Thus my problem remembering to take it. because they are not in my pill container.
  • As of Feb 6, 2015 I have added two more, as a result of my latest test results. I now take Digestzymes with lunch. This is an enzyme supplement that helps break down fat, protein, and lactose. I need to work on remembering to take it before I start to eat. 
I now have two supplements to take on an empty stomach, I take them sometime between lunch and dinner.
  • L-Glutamine - Often added to post workout shakes because it helps to repair muscle. I take this to assist my intestines in closing up any permeability, this works hand in hand with eliminating those things that cause stress, inflammation, and wreck havoc on my intestinal walls. 
  • GI Microb X, Also added February 6, 2015. It is a rather large and greenish, yellow capsule. It is a blend of botanical extracts with a long history of use for supporting a healthy gastrointestional microbial balance. 
Then with dinner, I take another prenatal and antifungal.
  • Vitamin C- Lately I've been taking 1-2 raw vitamin c supplements to make sure my immune system is ready for whatever comes my way.
  • Iron Glycinate- to build up my very low iron levels. This one is gentle and non-constipating.

January 2015 Update: My insulin levels are great and my body is beginning to regulate cortisol. As I am still feeling tired, we have decided to boost my dose of 200-400mgs to 500mgs twice a day. A total of 1000 mgs. I have been struggling to gradually up this dose as I have been gradually increasing my Thyroid dose. My heart races if I do too much. Yep thyroid dose! This month he wrote me a prescription for Armour Thyroid. It is a  T3 and T4 combination made from pig thyroid. He gave me instructions to start off small with (1) 15 mg tablet for a week and then increase it to 30 mg for a week, etc. Until I find the right dose.

March 2015 Update: I had another appointment with my Functional Doctor. We have decided on a dose of 45 mg of Armour Thyroid. Because the pills come in doses of 15, 30 or 60 mg, we decided I would continue to take (3) 15 mg tablets. I noticed that my feet were still cold at 30 mg. 45 mg seems to be the right fit for me. He ordered a blood test for thyroid levels only to see where I am at. I did complete a total of two rounds (two months) of Anti-fungals. My most recent test showed that Candida (yeast) was gone. Yay
April 2015 Update: Currently I am taking about 15 pills. I am about a week away from finishing my bottle of GI Microb X. I have about another month of Digestzymes. Both of these are to be taken until the bottle is gone. I will be then down to 12 pills a day. I asked my doctor about L-Glutamine and he said he has been taking it for 7-8 years so that will be an ongoing supplement. It will continually help my gut to heal and be strong. As the weather improves I may be lowering my dose of Vitamin D to 2,000 IUs. 

My thyroid levels came back all within the normal ranges. My doctor keeps going on and on about research that proves that babies born to mothers with optimal thyroid levels are extremely smart! So I can't help but be excited for that! 

Exciting news: He gave me a prescription for a compound progesterone cream. I will be taking it during the last 7 days of each cycle to give my body just a teeny bit of a boost!

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