Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Welcome to Paleo!

After all the fun I had with the elimination diet, I was so looking forward to my next appointment with Dr. Lundell. My appointment was in the early afternoon so I asked my mom to pick Kaylee up from school and I left shortly after dropping her off. I met up with Kevin and he drove the rest of the way to Spanish Fork

Thanks to the "Affordable Care Act" or as I like to call it, The Un-Affordable Care Act, our pretty ridiculous insurance is now even more expensive and covers even less. New year, same plan. I am so not looking forward to seeing the bill for this.

They took my vitals, and surprisingly my weight was back up to what it was at my last appointment. (Somewhere around 103 lbs.) They had no idea that I felt so near to death at times... not really but kind of. I had dropped as low as 98 lbs! Whoa I haven't weighed that much since Jr. High.

I came prepared with a list of all of the supplements and dose amounts that I had been taking. It was much faster than listing them all myself.

I filled out a symptom sheet once again. I noticed that a few things had changed.

He came in, we talked about how I was feeling. We decided to do another month of Anti-fungals. He reccomended taking a break from probiotics for a week. He then put me on the Paleo diet. We didn't talk about the elimination diet until I brought it up. I already feel so comfortable around him I told him he didn't even ask me how it went, so he said, "So how did it go?" He already knew or suspected that I would fail all of the foods. I had gone into it thinking I would find the foods that I was sensitive to. I thought there would be one or two that would be a problem, I assumed gluten and dairy. But.... I missed the whole point. When you have leaky gut, candidia, or both, it doesn't matter what you eat. My body is inflamed and damaged and until that is healed I will have symptoms.

He also suggested and recommended that I do a GI effects, comprehensive stool profile. Oh yay... He said it was how we would test for leaky gut, we would also know if the anti-fungals were effective, and if there were also bacteria strains or parasites living within me. Sounds great, I know!

Welcome to Paleo! He told me to add in eggs and grass-fed beef. He also said I could have small amounts of butter, (also grass-fed), and he said he didn't have a problem with me having rice and qunioa. I questioned the eggs and butter because I felt better without them, he reasurred me once again that it was okay. I would now be adding in so much, but taking out beans, legumes, gluten-free oats and steel cut oats. By this time I was so tired of oatmeal and berries for breakfast!

Paleo is more of a lifestyle and not just a diet. It is growing in popularity and may be the new fad, but Paleo is more of a standard for the rest of your life. There are strict Paleo rules and those who follow it with more flexibility by adding in more modern foods that come from agriculture and raw dairy.

Paleo involves eating like a caveman, first off my beliefs are far from evolution. No need to go there. I like to think that I am eating clean and basic, also how my early ancestors ate. Adam and Eve. Paleo has got a lot right and I love the room to adapt it to fit what works for me.

Paleo pros: Lots of healthy meats, grass-fed beef, free-range, pastured chicken and eggs, (optimally organic) Wild and/or local fish and seafood, all hormone free, antibiotic free, no nitrates. Good-bye hot dogs and deli sandwiches...

Berries, nuts, fruits and vegetables of all kinds.

He also introduced me to my new favorite website: Paleo Grubs! One day I will buy their cookbook.

Additional Reading Material
Paleo Diet FAQ: Answers to 267 Paleo Questions

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