Friday, January 30, 2015

Rainbow Trout and Veggies

I was in need of a quick dinner after a long afternoon of blogging about good paleo food. I pulled out a package of Rainbow trout that my daughter caught with her papa.

I slow cooked it in my cast iron with coconut oil, salt, pepper and dried dill. I threw in some blanched asparagus also from my freezer. I then added onions and peppers that I broiled in the oven with avocado oil.

Simple. Fast. And oh so good for you!

Paleo Taco Salad with Creamy Avocado Dressing

This was quick to put together, I even did it while I made dinner. I had an easy lunch waiting for me the next day and Kevin had a lunch to take to work. 

*I added diced romas and shredded carrots and kept my meat separate so that I could heat it up.

Paleo Banana Chocolate Shake

Paleo Banana Chocolate Shake Recipe Here

I made this for a quick breakfast and added a scoop of raw, organic protein powder. Would also make a great snack. With the coconut milk and frozen banana, it comes close to ice cream. Kid Approved, would be Kevin Approved if he liked my protein powder hehe. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Spicy Pepper Chicken Stir Fry

Spicy Pepper Chicken Stir Fry Recipe Here

Kevin and the kids used it as a filling inside flour tortillas. It would also be really good over rice or cauli rice! Kevin said he would eat this every day. 

*It wasn't too spicy for the kids, they actually ate all of it and both asked for seconds. I didn't add garam masala because I didn't take the time to find out what it is or where to find it. I would assume that is the spicyness. We did add frozen organic broccoli, left over baby bok choy and onion slices. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Soaking Food

As with every new thing I've learned and tried I feel so overwhelmed in the beginning... Where do you start?

Today's post is about Soaking and Sprouting.


Seeds, grains, nuts and legumes contain nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances. These are enzyme inhibitors, phytates (phytic acid), and polphenols (tannins). Whoa thats a lot of of words!

Enzyme inhibitors- a molecule that binds to an enzyme and decreases its activity. It also kills pathogens. In this case it makes sense as to why rice, beans, nuts, etc have a long shelf life and once soaked, do not last as long. Enzyme inhibitors are often added to drugs and pesticides.

Phytates or Phytic Acid- Discovered in 1903, is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially bran and seeds. This substance reduces our absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. I found this page to be helpful.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Amazing Paleo Banana Nut Muffins

It's true... They are amazing!
Amazing Paleo Banana Nut Muffins Recipe Here

With my recent love for almond butter, I was excited about this recipe! Oh and my love for melting butter! The challenge.... Not eating the whole batch. Kid Approved. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Breakfast Sweet Potato Hash

Find the Recipe Here

We made this on a Sunday, instead of breakfast we ended up refrigerating it and finishing it for lunch. It was so worth the wait and a favorite! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Yep, I do own a pill organizer

After a day of taking supplements and prescriptions I knew I needed a way to organize them. There is nothing quite so aging as shopping for the right pill organizer. I take on average 15-17 pills a day. I bought this pill organizer from Walgreen's. I love it because I can pop out one or two days worth of pills and take them with me. Perfect for an afternoon out running errands or a day or two away from home.

What are all these pills? (As of February 2015)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Welcome to Paleo!

After all the fun I had with the elimination diet, I was so looking forward to my next appointment with Dr. Lundell. My appointment was in the early afternoon so I asked my mom to pick Kaylee up from school and I left shortly after dropping her off. I met up with Kevin and he drove the rest of the way to Spanish Fork

Thanks to the "Affordable Care Act" or as I like to call it, The Un-Affordable Care Act, our pretty ridiculous insurance is now even more expensive and covers even less. New year, same plan. I am so not looking forward to seeing the bill for this.

They took my vitals, and surprisingly my weight was back up to what it was at my last appointment. (Somewhere around 103 lbs.) They had no idea that I felt so near to death at times... not really but kind of. I had dropped as low as 98 lbs! Whoa I haven't weighed that much since Jr. High.

I came prepared with a list of all of the supplements and dose amounts that I had been taking. It was much faster than listing them all myself.

I filled out a symptom sheet once again. I noticed that a few things had changed.