Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fermented Lemonade

Fermenting foods is so EASY! Of course I didn't think that at first, but now that I have made several different items, I can safely say that anyone can do this!

I wanted to start off simple. I decided on Lemonade! Lemonade + Probiotics = A Happy Tummy

Below is a picture from a facebook post I made. You will see two half gallons of lemonade. I believe one was raspberry and one was strawberry. I also made a batch of Fermented Carrot Sticks.

This recipe will make a gallon. I divide the ingredients between two half gallon, mason jars, but if you have a gallon glass jar... use it!


  • Lemons- varies because of size. I like to buy a whole bag of lemons from Costco, Depending on their size I can make about 2+ gallons of lemonade from one bag. I have a hand juicer, I can get 10 ounces from about 4-5 large or 7-8 smaller lemons.
  • Freshly squeezed juice, I squeeze until I get about 10 oz, you can use more or less.
  • Large container of Plain Yogurt with live, active cultures. Organic, Grass-fed and Antibiotic and Hormone Free is best. I usually buy Nancy's found at Winco. The important thing here is that it contains live active cultures. 
  • 1 cup of fresh whey, made from the yogurt. She explains how to extract whey in her post! It's really easy!
  • 1/2 - 1 cup of sugar, I use 1/2 cup of organic, raw evaporated cane sugar. Do not use honey as it is antimicrobial. 
  • Cold, filtered water.
  • Additional Flavors (Optional, but recommended!) Fresh berries, I've used blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and combinations of those, mint would also be so yummy!


  1. Extract the whey from your yogurt. I find it easiest for me to put the yogurt in a coffee filter or wrapped in cheese cloth, suspend it over a measuring cup with a mesh strainer, and put it in the fridge overnight.
  2. Extract your lemon juice from your lemons.
  3. Add a little warm water to your container(s), add the sugar and stir and swirl until it is dissolved. 
  4. Add the whey, lemon juice and remaining water. If you are adding fruit, make sure to leave a little more room at the top.
  5. Screw on your lid, and let it sit at room temperature for about 48 hours. 
  6. Place in the fridge and enjoy!

You will love this recipe and tutorial from A Flock In The City. I've tried and pinned a few, but this is the one that I use.

Be sure to check out my Fermented Foods board for more yummy recipe ideas!

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