Monday, February 20, 2012

37 Weeks!

37 Weeks!
I started having contractions, Friday February 4th for over an hour. The next day, Saturday, after waiting two and half hours we decided to make the trip to L & D to see what was going on. I was 34 weeks 5 days. We packed up the car, and Kaylee went with my mom for the weekend. We were lucky she came to visit and help out after work.

We checked in around 9:30PM, only minutes later I was hooked up and it was clear I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes, strong and steady. I had dialated from a 1 to a 3 since my doctor appointment I had on Friday and went from 50% to 70-80% effacement. My urine came back with signs of dehydration so they hooked me up and got fluids going. Contractions started to space out a little, but I was given a loaded dose of Procardia, a heart medication that also works on the smooth muscle of the uterus. This is usually given every six hours but I took a series of 4, one every 15 minutes. I had to have my blood pressure taken before each dose, and actually failed the last test. The nurse waited a half hour and then gave me my last one before I was released. I was checked for dilation again and nothing had changed so I was allowed to go home. One more centimeter and I would have had to stay. We left before 1 AM, got some food, and went to sleep. My uterus was so sore for the next day or so!

Kevin was such a good helper taking care of me. We were both a little shaken up, and unprepared to have a baby that soon. I missed Kaylee like crazy, I'm not myself when we're apart. My family came for a visit Sunday night. It was so hard to see Kaylee, who was super excited to see me, and then for her to get her coat and shoes on and leave again with Grandma and Grandpa. She looked so confused! It was hard for her to be the one visiting and not being able to understand why she couldn't stay with us.

Monday, the 6th I went into the office to be checked again and see what the doctor wanted to do. But just my luck she was off for the day and I had to see the doctor who was on call over the weekend. She told me I was only dialated to a 1+ and was actually quite rude to me. So we spent the rest of the week confused, I took it easy but insisted on having Kaylee coming back home. My next appointment on Friday I was back to a 2 1/2 almost 3. It was the longest week ever! Monday I started having contractions for hours at a time, we didn't know if I should go in. As the week went on they seemed to settle down and things got back to somewhat normal.

My 36 week appointment on the 17th was a little disappointing. After having more contractions through out the week I was only dialted to a 3 and about 90% effaced. Kevin and I were almost set to go to the hospital on the eve of Valentine's Day because of contractions lasting over 4 hours. I drank like crazy, put my feet up, even took a bath and they didn't go away. Then around 11:30 PM they spaced out and I went to sleep, a little frustrated and angry. We really didn't want him to come on Valentine's Day anyway ;)

Now being 37 weeks I'm ready for the real thing! Just last night I had steady contractions, and lots of pressure for almost 5 hours! And then of course they stopped :(
I'm really starting to wonder if I will ever go into labor. "According to the book" contractions every 5 minutes, lasting a minute each, for over an hour means its time to head to the hospital. I really hope we know when to go, we definately can't go by that rule!

So yep we made it to 37 weeks! And yes I'm hoping he comes soon. I've had a pretty healthy pregnancy thus far and have only gained weight in my belly :) So far I've gained about 30 lbs and I have leveled off and actually lost a couple pounds which is a normal sign that labor is near :) Feel free to come little one, we are so excited to meet you!!

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