Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Landen is 2 days old!

Landen went in for his 2 day Well Child Visit on February 28, 2012

At birth he was 19 1/2 inches and weighed 6 lbs. 10 ozs.

At two days..
Landen was 20.35 inches -
(69% tile)
And he weighed 6 lbs. 9 ozs. -
(14% tile)
His head circ. was 34 cm -
(16% tile)

He got his bilirubin rechecked because it was going up during our stay at the hospital.

We got a call that night and home care brought us a bili bed and bili blanket for his jaundice treatment.

He was on the lights for a few days and then we were able to have them come pick them back up.

It was so sad to watch him lay there.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Our First Day Home

We checked out of the hospital at 3pm, Monday, February 27th.
We were so excited to get home so Kaylee could meet Landen.

She didn't know what to think...

She thought it was fun to take his hat and socks off and put them back on again.
Over and over and over again..

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Baby is Born...

Baby Landen's Birth Story
February 25th-26th 2012
I was excited to see a reminder from one of my books... Right above my bed were the words "your baby and your body working together" It reminded me of what I had been planning on, what I should be focusing on. Instead of feeling pain, I reminded myself that labor is completely natural. It is a process that me and my baby boy were doing together. With each contraction, I moved him down a little more, he moved into the position he needed to be in, and I was able to birth my baby on my own.

Thursday, February 23, 2012
After almost non stop contractions Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we decided to go in. We packed up the car and made the trip my doctor's office. We waited all afternoon to have someone check my cervix, only to find out that my doctor was in her Layton office for the day. The nurse could tell by my face that I was exhausted from weeks of contractions. I asked to be hooked up to the monitor to do an NST. As I was being hooked up, the nurse felt my contraction. She finally believed me! Yes I was having contractions and she could vouch for me. I had a couple contractions during the test, they were about 10 minutes apart. After the test I was put in a room to have a doctor check me.The nurse came in shortly and told me to get dressed. I was going to be sent to Labor and Delivery instead. Our baby was having heart accelerations for longer than he was suppose to. Apparently after the Doctor had seen the NST and the nurse told her I was contracting, she thought it would be best. The nurse was nice to walk me down to Labor and Delivery. Kevin and Kaylee went outside to wait for my parents to arrive. I got put in Triage, changed into a gown, did the normal routine. When I was checked I was 4cm, up from a 3 at my previous appointment a week earlier. While being on the monitor I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes. The order came in from my doctor that I had to stay for an hour and see if I progressed. Kevin came and we waited the hour. Still having regular contractions, the hour passed and I was the same. The triage nurse was sure I was in early labor. She told us to go home and walk and that she was sure I would be back in 6-12 hours. Kevin and I went to my parents to tell Kaylee goodnight. We hung out, played Tetris, and I walked on their treadmill. We went home, and Kevin called in sick for work the next day. We decided to go to sleep, both expecting to wake up, go back to the hospital, and have a baby. Nothing happened, half way through the night I got up and bounced on my yoga ball. My contractions were back to 10 minutes apart so I went back to sleep.

Friday, February 24, 2012
I was pretty bummed nothing had happened. I did not like waking up at home, still pregnant. Kevin got the Wii out, after some tears (mine not his) and pleading he got me to play with him. We played some sports and then we ran on the track and did some squats. We went to my doctor appointment to find out my doctor was gone doing a delivery. That made me feel even better! I was suppose to be the one having a baby and throwing off the rest of the day's schedule. I did not want to reschedule so we saw the nurse practitioner. She checked me and said I was definitely 3 cm, no longer a good 4 like the nurse from Labor and Delivery had said. She knew I was frustrated, but she told me that when I wasn't having those contractions my cervix could constrict back. Definitely not the news I wanted to hear. She also told me to plan on being pregnant for another week and that I could talk about an induction with the doctor at my next appointment. Now really depressed, we went home and took a nap, rested and later picked up Kaylee. My mom and Kevin had called in sick for the day and we had accomplished absolutely nothing.

Saturday, February 25, 2012
I woke up having contractions, as usual. Kevin was gone playing church ball. I decided to make strawberry crepes with Kaylee. Around 9, I noticed my contractions were reliably coming every 5 minutes. I was not about getting my hopes up so we ate breakfast and went about our morning. With every contraction I looked at the clock. I washed the dishes, we cleaned up the house, we had plans to run a few errands. Kevin suggested we pack up the car, I fought him because I didn’t want to jinx it. Contractions continued past noon.

By 12:30pm I was timing them with my phone app and they quickly became closer together. That sent me into a panic so we packed the car yet again. We stopped and got gas, and went to the credit union. I wanted to see if the contractions would change after getting off my feet. Contractions were now 2 ½ minutes apart and a minute long. I called my sister to meet us at the hospital so she could watch Kaylee. When we got to the hospital we went inside and walked around as we waited for her to arrive. Contractions were steadily coming every 2 minutes and lasting well over a minute. We hung out with Stephanie for a while, until we were confident that the contractions were going strong and not going to fizzle out.
It was about 3:00pm by the time we went into Labor and Delivery. We had walked around for almost two hours. Stephanie waited outside with Kaylee as we were prepared to be sent home yet again. I got my gown, and Kevin and I waited in the empty Triage room for the nurse to come. We felt neglected as we were left alone, not knowing what was going on. We were very excited to find out that my doctor was on call. Finally I got hooked up to the monitor, but got the bad news that I was only dilated to a 3+. She said I was not quite a 4 but since I would need to be monitored for an hour she said it would look better to start out as a 3. I was asked if I wanted to walk for the hour and it was okayed by my doctor. We asked the nurse if there was anything we could do to stay. She told us that I wouldn’t be able to have my water broken or get pitocin until I was 39 weeks. We let Stephanie know and since she wanted to wait it out with us we told her to take Kaylee to the café to get some food. Kevin and I made several rounds around the Labor and Delivery area. A nurse at one of the stations told me I would have to move about 15 times faster, Kevin made it a game to make the entire loop in a minute. I noticed contractions here and there and it did make it a bit more painful to be moving fast. Triage began to fill up and they were offering them the same option to walk. One girl declined and later on was sent home. Another only made one loop and was back in bed. We were determined to stay and do whatever we could. We had to be back some time after 4 and I was checked again at 4:30. I was checked by the same nurse as before in order to have an accurate measurement. She gave me a 4+ (about 4 ½ just not a 5) I then had my awesome nurse, Jen who arrived at 5pm. We were excited to see her again. She saw us on Thursday, and she was my nurse the night I got my contractions stopped at 34 weeks. She totally understood my situation and knew how much I wanted to stay. She went to call my doctor and said she would push for letting me stay and walk for yet another hour. All this time my contractions were still steady and regular, but true labor is only if the contractions are changing your cervix. When walking was approved again, Kevin and I went outside the Labor and Delivery doors, talked to Stephanie, and saw Kaylee. Kaylee was sleeping on her lap. Kevin walked with me up and down the entire hospital 4th floor. It was really nice to have the hospital all to ourselves. It being a Saturday, all the offices and clinics were closed and we were free to walk up and down the hall. We probably we’re allowed to be out there but I was so tired of the small rounds we were making in Labor and Delievery. After a while we knew we had to head back, I said goodbye to Kaylee, not knowing how long it would be until I could see her again. We made more laps around Labor and Delivery and got back to my bed in Triage by 5:20 pm.
Jen checked me and I was still just over 4cm and not a 5. I was however 90% effaced instead of the 80% I had been at for weeks. Not as much change as we wanted but it still was some change. Jen left to call Jiricko. While Jen was gone, I felt the switch from Early to Active labor. I suddenly had one really strong, painful contraction. Kevin just looked at me as it continued to build. I told him to go tell Jen, as she was still waiting for the call from the doctor. Jen came back with really great news! Not only was Dr. Jiricko going to let me stay. Jen said that my doctor felt I would be dilated to a 5 soon and that once I made it to a five I could have my water broken! It was the best news ever! We were so relieved we wouldn't have to pay another $100 co pay and that this was it! We were finally going to leave this place with a baby!

6:00pm I was admitted and getting prepared to move to a room! Jen mentioned getting an IV and pitocin going. I asked her if I had to, she looked confused but said of course not. I reminded her I wanted to try for a natural birth and she said Jiricko must have forgotten, but it wasn’t in the conditions in order to stay. Instead she put in a Saline Lock, asked me if I was interested in trying the labor tub, and introduced me to my nurse, Amy. Jen made the comment that she wanted to see him once he arrived, after all she had touched his head more than anyone else. I chose to wait on filling the tub since I was not in pain.

7:00pm I was almost a 6. I tried out the rocking chair about the time my mom arrived. After spending a lot of time walking I wanted to rest and watch the TV. Kevin, my mom and me went for another walk after that. I wanted to wait on breaking my water, and since things were now moving, and I was admitted, I was able to wait. Jim, my father in law, came and helped Kevin give me a blessing. Kaylee left with Jim and Susan for the night. Jiricko wanted me to be checked in a couple hours. In the mean time we just had to go on laboring. I was only allowed to be off the monitors for 20-30 minutes. I would then get hooked up and be monitored for a few contractions to make sure the baby was doing well and then I was free to move about again.

9:00pm I was a stretchy 6 but not quite a 7. Amy tried to stretch it and irritate my cervix. We watched Disney movies, and hung out. I decided it was time to get my water broken and get things going. I was sure that this 2nd labor was going to go a lot faster than it was. I wanted to make sure I had my baby before 7am when my doctor would be off call and that Amy and Jen who came at 5pm and were leaving at 5am would still be here when he got here. Amy had the resident come up to break my water and we got the tub ready so I could get in it when things got worse. I was extremely worried about getting my water broken, I was afraid it would hurt. Even more I was scared of how much the contractions would probably hurt.
The resident arrived. She a hard time getting the membrane to break, a really hard time.
Luckily it wasn’t painful, but it did take a while. She couldn't get it hooked, and said it was a really thick membrane. Finally I felt a gush and just like when my water broke with Kaylee, they said it was a lot of fluid! I kept asking Kevin if it was a good color. The nurse, and resident reassured me it looked great. It only took a few contractions and they were hard and painful. I could barely talk, but got the words out that I wanted my mom to leave. Kevin told her it was time to go, and so she left to wait in the waiting room. I would have loved to have my mom there and have her support, but I knew she wasn't on board with me going natural. I knew I would be in pain and I didn't want anymore pressure or stress then what was inevitable. I got in the tub as soon as I could. Kevin got a couple movies, I wanted to watch Harry Potter for some reason, but they were unable to find it. We tried “Freaky Friday” but soon found out it was the old version. We ended up watching “The Little Princess,” probably not a good choice for labor let alone during pregnancy.

I tried to get my mind in the right mode for an undisturbed delivery. I ran my fingers through the water and let it pour over my stomach. I tried to focus on taking deep breaths and enjoy all the time in between contractions. With every contraction, I grasped these hand spots and took deep breaths. I thought these contractions were bad and I didn’t know how long I would be able to keep doing it. I thought over and over in my head “My body and my baby are working together.” I sipped on Sprite, which Amy told me I could have. I thought I could only have ice! It tasted so good! It was nice to have a little sugar and I was hoping it would help a little with the nausea. Kevin’s parents brought him Subway and it smelled amazing. We were both starving, not having any food since our yummy crepes at 10 am. Kevin reminded me that if I did get an epidural it would slow things down and I would have to wait even longer to eat. It gave me an extra incentive to keep going. I wanted my little box lunch that was waiting for me in Postpartum.

The natural birth rooms have cordless, waterproof monitors, but my nurse wasn’t sure how to get them to work. After having another nurse come take a look they determined that they needed to be charged. After getting in the tub, the last thing I wanted to do was get out. I was afraid that if I was having a hard time with contractions in the tub, they would be unbearable outside of it. Because I didn’t have the cordless monitors I had to continue to get hooked up every so often to check on the baby. After getting out, going to the bathroom and getting in bed I soon had a contraction. I had Kevin right there and he held me, rubbed my back, and loved me. I decided to stay out for a little while. Having Kevin there to hold me really helped me. I tried to relax and pretend I wasn’t in pain and that we were just holding each other. Being in the tub made me feel alone, it was hard for Kevin to help and be close to me. It also felt better for the time being to be sitting up.

After laboring for a while, I think as I was heading into transition, I decided to get back in the tub. It had been sitting for a while and so we drained some and got some hot water back in there. I found it was extremely comforting and relaxing on my back and legs to be sitting on the floor of the tub. I began to feel extremely nauseated and the contractions were really overwhelming. Kevin tried to rub my back, but that made things worse. I had him grab my pillow and I rested it on the door of the tub that way I could clench it, cry into it, or scream if it came to it. I sipped on the sprite and Kevin dabbed my head with cold wash cloths. I kept trying to remind myself what I had read in one of my books. “When you feel like things can't get worse, it means you are almost done” I was in tears at this point and I was fighting the battle of if I was going to give up and beg for an epidural. I knew I would have to fight Kevin for it, convince the nurse, and wait for the anesthesiologist to get up to my room, who might not even make it in time. I also had the thought cross my mind that I had been through hours of discomfort and it would be a complete waste to get the epidural now that I was almost done. If I were to relax and get rid of the pain I should have done it a long time ago so I didn’t have to suffer all this time. As I was crying with every contraction saying out loud that I didn’t think I could do this. Kevin and Amy reassured me that I could and that I was doing great. Amy asked me what I needed. She said she could coach me; she could rub and put pressure on my back, whatever I needed. We tried the massage and I was completely surprised at how much it worked. She was a life saver!

With the next few contractions, I got up from sitting in the tub, got on all fours and she would rub a spot on my back. It took the pain away completely! I just rested on the pillow and took deep breaths and moaned a little. Of course it was too good to be true. Only a few contractions later and it didn’t work anymore. She said he must have moved down even more. I then felt an urge to push, just like I had read about. I had no idea it would be so strong! I really needed to push. I had to get out of the tub right away!! Standing was uncomfortable. The nausea was so much worse, with each contraction I felt like I was going to throw up. Being sick made me want to give up even more, but I knew I was almost there. I knew it was almost time to push. I had heard that by the time you get to this point you want to push. I also had no idea what to expect and I feared how badly it would hurt. I went to the bathroom before I got onto the bed. Amy reminded me not to push when I had the urge, especially not on the toilet. I got onto the bed and Amy checked me. She said I was almost there but had a lip keeping me from getting to a ten. I tried positioning on the bed a few different ways, I tried to lean on my ball for one contraction but it didn’t work. I had to sit in bed and do the He He Who breathing. Focusing on what sounds to make made my mind wander a little and it helped.

Amy called the team in and Jiricko arrived. Jiricko walked in the door and they started setting out all the tools and supplies. Jiricko checked me and felt the lip, she said I would have to wait for a few more contractions. This was by far the worst, most painful part of the entire labor. With every contraction I had an urge to push and not being able to do what my body was trying and wanting to do was awful! I endured 3 contractions and was checked again. The lip had progressed a little. I then had to endure a few more contractions, be checked again, and found it had progressed more this time and I was almost there.

1:05am everyone was getting ready and in position. I was in a lot of pain and didn’t want my mom or sister there to see me like that. I decided I wanted pictures of the event more than that and told Kevin to hurry and get someone in here. He called my mom and had to hurry and hang up as another contraction was coming on. My sister showed up and we handed her the camera.
After a contraction or two later, I really, really had to push. I let them know this too! “I have to push, I have to push!" Without being checked, my doctor knew it was time.
At 1:21am I was told I could push with the next contraction. Amy said, “Okay you’re going to feel like you really need to push, its going to hurt and you’re not going to want to. But the harder you push, the sooner it will be over.” My doctor told me to push like I had a big poop to get out. I tried pushing, and was told to push harder, and keep going. Kevin was there to help hold my legs. They gave me a lot of encouragement and told me to keep going.

As I started to push again with the next contraction, my doctor began to stretch, in her mind what would help, my perineum. I screamed “Ouuuch!” And that was it. Now that I had opened my mouth I couldn’t stop screaming, and crying. I had my eyes closed, and all I could see were images of “Breaking Dawn’s” birth scene. Everything was blurry and I felt like I had just been sliced open, bleeding everywhere. Amy had to get my attention back to pushing, but I couldn’t focus enough to get strong solid pushes. Jiricko was then right in my face telling me to focus. Telling me I had to take a deep breath, and push or else it wouldn’t be over. It sounded kind of mean and I felt a little offended. I had never heard her talk to me like that before. But in all honesty she was completely right.

I got back into the groove and pushed as hard and as much as I could. I’m sure because of my fear and wanting to get it over with, I tore. Luckily I didn’t feel anything that felt like I did. I think I pushed a couple times and then I heard them quickly tell me to stop. His head was out, suddenly the burning was gone, they suctioned out his nose and mouth. She then told me to give a little push to get his shoulder out. I gave a little push, and felt nothing painful at all. I remember feeling a warm, wet sensation and I felt him slip right out. 1:28 am my baby boy was born.

He was immediately put on my stomach and I couldn’t do anything but smile, and say “I can’t believe I did It,” “I did it,” “I can’t believe I did it!” The rush of hormones and emotions were flowing through my body. It was a feeling I can’t really explain. We waited a minute, and they clamped the cord. I planned to wait until it stopped pulsing, which they were okay with, but I was told I could do skin to skin as soon as it was cut. Kevin cut the cord and I got to hold my baby. He was dried on my chest, checked and got his little hat put on. Skin to skin was not weird at all, like I had thought it would be. As I was holding him, Dr. Jiricko pushed on my uterus a few times and I felt the placenta slip right out and into a bag.

Kevin cutting the cord ->
I had a 1st degree tear and she asked me if I wanted a shot first. I did, I figured, the baby was born, I had experienced enough, and didn’t want to feel the hook. She stitched me up, as I watched the hook like tool and string. I tired to pay attention to the baby, but it was distracting. I didn’t feel anything but a small sting from the shot. Simple and easy!

Almost in tears.. "I can't believe I did it!"

The nurse took Landen and weighed him in at 6 pounds and 10 ounces. And he measured 19 ½ inches long.

I got my blood pressure checked and a warm blanket put on. I remember shaking and feeling cold. 
We were both so glad it was over and that everything went well!
He was then brought back to me and we did more skin to skin and I breastfed him for the first time. What a great, addition to our family!

Kevin holding his little guy for the first time!

My mom came in and we got to relax. Kevin was next to hold him then Jen came in to see our little guy before we headed over to postpartum. 
Jen and Amy took me and Kevin over to our room. My mom and sister were waiting for us when we got there.

They asked if I needed help getting out of my wheelchair and were completely surprised when I got up and got into my bed by myself. They said they weren’t use to people doing that. Obviously not a whole lot of people go natural. I met my new nurse and cna. They were both really nice and helpful.

First thing they asked me was if I was hungry. I didn’t have to think about that. Right away they brought me the sandwich box I had been craving all night. 

We found out that they don't use the transition nursery, and that the babies get their baths in their postpartum rooms.

We stayed in room 4118. I ate my food and the cna gave Landen his bath. It was really cool how they brought in this little warming station and she did it all right there in the room so I could be apart of it. He got swaddled and then my mom and Stephanie were able to hold him. The nurse helped me go to the bathroom, which of course I had no problem doing. I had read about legs being shaky, but my legs felt completely normal. It was awesome!

It was about 4:00am when my mom and sister left. I was in my immediate recovery period and had to be checked on every hour. Kevin got some sleep, but I still had so much adrenaline I didn’t sleep at all. Just like with Kaylee it was hard to sleep with a new baby right next to me. I had to make sure he was breathing. He was such a good baby though, only whimpering when he wanted food.

Landen getting his hair washed for the first time!

And his feet inked!

He is such a good baby! I fell in love with him immediately. A lot of people knew I wanted a girl. I was upset when we got the ultrasound, and I even secretly hoped our baby would surprise us with being a girl. I wanted a girl up until the moment I saw him. He was perfect, absolutely perfect! Now I consider myself lucky and blessed to have two beautiful, and healthy children. One of each! I can't believe I get to be their mommy! It is overwhelming how much your heart grows. I love them both in different ways, because I know them in different ways. But my love for them is strong and neverending. I am so grateful they are mine for eternity!

We are so lucky to have Baby Landen as a part of our eternal family. Heavenly Father truely blesses us with the opportunity to bring spirit children into this world. I love being a mommy, it is the greatest calling in the world. There is nothing more precious, and sacred then the moment you hold your baby, and take a look at what you took part in creating. Everyday I continue to be amazed!

I stayed awake for at least 36 hours. I had so much energy and excitement going through my body, it wasn't until the endorphins and adrenaline wore off that I realized I was tired. I know I got a few hours of sleep early Monday morning. Overall it was an amazing experience! Going natural definetely wasn't easy, but it wasn't neccassarily hard either. My contractions were uncomforable, but not exactly painful. Pushing was scarry, but now that I've done it I realize it wasn't bad at all. Now I know why women that go natural, continue to go natural. I don't see how you could do it any other way! 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Natural Childbirth...

I felt a need to write some information about Natural Childbirth. Throughout the end of my pregnancy, my decision to "Try to go natural" was not welcomed as much as I thought it would be. I was surprised at how many people are against it. Especially when they have never tried or experienced it themselves. I was also surprised by the people who are closest to me. No one thought I could do it, No one believed in me, and Everyone thought I was stupid or crazy.

98% of women get an epidural in the United States, about 1% receive other types of drugs through an IV, shot, or pill.

Only 1% of women give birth naturally.

 The odds are definitely against women in America. How cool would it be to be apart of that 1%? Pretty freaking awesome if you ask me! After all, women all around the world give birth naturally everyday. I was bound and determined to believe in myself. Believe in my body; believe that it was capable of doing what it was made to do.

It all started with wanting to be prepared.. just in case. Just in case my labor was fast, just in case I had to deliver at home or on the way to the hospital. Just in case I didn't have enough time for an epidural. I wanted to be prepared.. Just in case.

It started with a book. A natural childbirth book, written by a doctor, who was against doctors delivering babies. A book that was against hospitals, and all for home births. A book that of course was against any type of drug or medication. After one night of reading I was overwhelmed with anxiety. I found my myself caught in between two worlds...

I realize people will take offense and will be sensitive to the things I say. I have found through my journey that people get defensive about this subject. As people have their right to their own opinion. I want to first point out that this is my blog, and this is the place for me to express my views and thoughts. I wanted to write a separate post about how and why I decided to have a natural, unmedicated, childbirth. I also want to say that I had a "normal" vaginal, medicated delivery with my daughter Kaylee. I grew up knowing this was the way women had babies. Once I decided I would rather “try for a natural birth” I left the option open and was planning on having an epidural as a back up, as a plan “B option.”
It just so happened that once I read more into it I decided an epidural was not for me or my baby. I guess that is what you get when you open your mind, do some research, and see the other side of things.

I do not think less of anyone who has had or will have an epidural. And I do not think of myself as better than anyone else because I was able to have the natural birth I wanted. As I was planning for my birth experience, I was planning on experiencing the completely painless, unnoticeable contractions I felt with my daughter. This was not the case this time around! My labor was longer than I expected, and I felt everything! With that being said, I wanted an epidural on several occasions and I know exactly why women want, and get them. I do not want anyone to confuse the fact that I am PROUD of what I accomplished with being haughty. And I am not condemning anyone for their personal choices.

I would not consider myself tolerant of pain. In fact, when it comes to sickness, especially throwing up, I cry. I’m embarrassed by how much of a baby I am when I’m sick. However, I shouldn’t compare sickness to childbirth. A woman who is in labor is not sick. Kevin knows more than anyone else how well I deal with hardships. I think that is what surprised me the most when he was so willing to jump on board with me. I don't have any close relationships with women who have given birth naturally. It was crucial, for Kevin to fully, completely support my decision. My love for him has grown through this experience. He was such a great birth partner!

From the beginning, Kevin understood my disapproval of the way things were handled with my first birth. I showed up at the hospital in absolutely no pain, dilated to 6cm. Once the staff realized that I was in actual labor, I was hooked up to a routine IV. Pitocin was immediately started, even though I had progressed to a 7 in less than an hour and despite the fact they were painless, I was having strong, regular contractions on my own. The nurse quickly realized it was working my body to hard and it was turned off. I had no idea what was going on. Until I did my research, I had no idea that a person could have a baby without Pitocin. You actually have to refuse it. The resident showed up to break my water, the anesthesiologist arrived. I had my water broken, my epidural placed, and a cath inserted. I was then confined to my bed, not only for the rest of my labor and delivery, but for the rest of the night. I relied on help from nurses to get in and out of a wheel chair, and to go to the bathroom.

...One night I was reading, while taking a warm bath. It wasn't long before I was in tears. I was afraid. Afraid of an epidural, afraid of all these drugs and medical interventions. But I was also afraid of a natural birth. Afraid of pain, afraid of a new, dangerous experience. An experience I didn't understand.

I kept reading, Kevin watched documentaries with me, and the more I learned the more comfortable I was. We watched "Pregnant in America" and "The Business of Being Born."

I could go on and on about the many, many benefits of going natural but these are some of my favorite reasons!

The Top Reasons I chose a Natural Childbirth..

*Less Likely to have Postpartum Depression.
*Eliminate Risks of misplaced Epidural needle.
*Avoid pain of the Epidural injection.
*No Pitocin used.
*Avoid a Bladder Catheter, which can cause Swelling, and Bladder Infections.
*Free to move and walk during labor.
*Use of a warm Laboring Tub.
*No need to have Continuous Monitoring.
*Eliminate further Medical Interventions.
*Ability to feel and bear down during contractions.
*Rush of "Hormone Cocktail" Adrenaline and Endorphins!
*Avoid sleepy/drowsy baby after birth.
*Easier latch on for Breastfeeding.
*Baby born without drugs in their bloodstream.
*Able to walk and take a shower right after birth.
*More Energy, and better Recovery.

In the end, the reward is the same. All you can hope for is a healthy baby.
  It was definitely worth it!!
I would totally reccomend it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

37 Weeks!

37 Weeks!
I started having contractions, Friday February 4th for over an hour. The next day, Saturday, after waiting two and half hours we decided to make the trip to L & D to see what was going on. I was 34 weeks 5 days. We packed up the car, and Kaylee went with my mom for the weekend. We were lucky she came to visit and help out after work.

We checked in around 9:30PM, only minutes later I was hooked up and it was clear I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes, strong and steady. I had dialated from a 1 to a 3 since my doctor appointment I had on Friday and went from 50% to 70-80% effacement. My urine came back with signs of dehydration so they hooked me up and got fluids going. Contractions started to space out a little, but I was given a loaded dose of Procardia, a heart medication that also works on the smooth muscle of the uterus. This is usually given every six hours but I took a series of 4, one every 15 minutes. I had to have my blood pressure taken before each dose, and actually failed the last test. The nurse waited a half hour and then gave me my last one before I was released. I was checked for dilation again and nothing had changed so I was allowed to go home. One more centimeter and I would have had to stay. We left before 1 AM, got some food, and went to sleep. My uterus was so sore for the next day or so!

Kevin was such a good helper taking care of me. We were both a little shaken up, and unprepared to have a baby that soon. I missed Kaylee like crazy, I'm not myself when we're apart. My family came for a visit Sunday night. It was so hard to see Kaylee, who was super excited to see me, and then for her to get her coat and shoes on and leave again with Grandma and Grandpa. She looked so confused! It was hard for her to be the one visiting and not being able to understand why she couldn't stay with us.

Monday, the 6th I went into the office to be checked again and see what the doctor wanted to do. But just my luck she was off for the day and I had to see the doctor who was on call over the weekend. She told me I was only dialated to a 1+ and was actually quite rude to me. So we spent the rest of the week confused, I took it easy but insisted on having Kaylee coming back home. My next appointment on Friday I was back to a 2 1/2 almost 3. It was the longest week ever! Monday I started having contractions for hours at a time, we didn't know if I should go in. As the week went on they seemed to settle down and things got back to somewhat normal.

My 36 week appointment on the 17th was a little disappointing. After having more contractions through out the week I was only dialted to a 3 and about 90% effaced. Kevin and I were almost set to go to the hospital on the eve of Valentine's Day because of contractions lasting over 4 hours. I drank like crazy, put my feet up, even took a bath and they didn't go away. Then around 11:30 PM they spaced out and I went to sleep, a little frustrated and angry. We really didn't want him to come on Valentine's Day anyway ;)

Now being 37 weeks I'm ready for the real thing! Just last night I had steady contractions, and lots of pressure for almost 5 hours! And then of course they stopped :(
I'm really starting to wonder if I will ever go into labor. "According to the book" contractions every 5 minutes, lasting a minute each, for over an hour means its time to head to the hospital. I really hope we know when to go, we definately can't go by that rule!

So yep we made it to 37 weeks! And yes I'm hoping he comes soon. I've had a pretty healthy pregnancy thus far and have only gained weight in my belly :) So far I've gained about 30 lbs and I have leveled off and actually lost a couple pounds which is a normal sign that labor is near :) Feel free to come little one, we are so excited to meet you!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day 2012

Cute, Yummy Breakfast I made for Kaylee,
Kevin, and Me.

Kaylee all ready to open some Valentine presents..

A card from Great Grandma Gould

Opening her present from Grandma Susan..

My little love :)

Kaylee giving loves to her brother... So much love!

36 Weeks 1 Day!


We're ALMOST there...!

Kevin bought me Breaking Dawn, and I made him one of his favorite, yummy, delicious dinners. He is all about saving money these days, so I try my best to be supportive :)