Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011 !

Kaylee's Christmas from Santa

She was so excited!

These are the presents Santa brought for Baby Boy..

And Mommy and Daddy...

I had to put in a picture to remember how "pregnant" I was.

Kaylee opening her baby Ariel, she loves her!
... Santa brought her a bike!

My presents...

Kevin's presents...

She was totally spoiled.. the bonus of not paying full price for anything.
Note to self: Two year olds get tired of opening presents after a while and get bored.

After our 1st Christmas morning as a family, and Sacrament meeting, we went to Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Blaine's house for Christmas.

Kaylee got clothes, a barking Puppy, Stephanie named "Dingo," an Elmo floor puzzle, and a Princess Helment and Bike Bell. She was so excited, she wanted to go home and ride her bike.

She got a tutu, from Papa Randy, of which she loved so much she wore it the entire day. Being in the spirit of Christmas I let her, and it helped that it matched her shirt too!
We stopped at Great Grandma and Grandpa Beazer's house where Kaylee got a talking Picnic set, it is one of her favorite toys, and she plays with it almost daily!

Then we went to Grandma Susan and Papa Jim's house for Christmas.
Waiting to open presents..

Jim and Susan gave us a box of food, filled with some of our favorites.

Kaylee and her best friends, and cousins Hallie and Kylee. Grandma Susan bought them shirts and hats, so naturally they wore those around the rest of the night. So cute!

Kaylee playing with her Picnic set and baby Ariel, a few days after Christmas.
It was one of those moments when you have to run and grab a camera.

These are the cute gifts we got from my mom and sister for the little guy.

And these are the gifts Kaylee got from Family after Christmas morning.

These are gifts that Kevin and I got from family and the things we bought for ourselves. We got a cooler that plugs into our car, (great for traveling with ice cream!) a popcorn popper, My parents gave us emergency heat producing cans, (perfect for our 72 hr kits I'm putting together) I got a mini cupcake maker, and Kevin got a gym pass.

It was a great Christmas and we had a lot of fun spending time with family. The day was very busy and hetic as most Christmas Days are. Last year we had Papa Randy stay with us, and the year before that we were living with my parents. It was such a nice change to wake up and celebrate with our own little family.

We didn't have plans for Christmas Eve so we were able to visit Temple Square with my parents and siblings. We stopped at Village Inn and had delicious food! We saw the Nativity program they have set up there and it was a great way to feel the spirit and get into the right mind set of what Christmas is really about. It would be an awesome tradition to start!

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