Thursday, September 29, 2011

Elective Ultrasound 16 Weeks

Our baby 16 weeks and 3 days.
We got to see our little baby today! Because our doctor only provides two ultrasounds, I convinced Kevin to let us go to Accuscan, at the Gateway. I LOVED it there!

The Tech was so nice, she took her time, gave us a ton of pictures, she even asked us if we had seen everything we wanted.

She switched it over and we got to watch our baby in 4D for no extra charge. It was so amazing! We could see our little baby moving its arm around.

I love looking at the little hand, you can even see the thumb. Kinda creepy that you can see the brain but still so cute!

Love Love Accuscan!

This was the best profile we could get. Baby was sitting up :)

*We were able to find out our baby's sex as well. Both our babies like to spread their legs so we can get a good look. But we only paid for the elective ultrasound so we could find out. We hope to keep it a secret for another month. Until we have our 20 week anatomy scan with our family :) I love knowing and driving everyone crazy!

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