Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kaylee is 18 months!

I can't believe my little baby is 18 months! I had such a hard time with this. I really have been dreading her leaving me and going to nursery. I just couldn't understand how so many moms were counting down the days, and I just couldn't let her go. Our first day (Jan 9, 2010) of nursery ended up going well. She loved it actually. Mommy, Daddy and Kaylee had a great day. In fact I think I am going to LOVE Relief Society now.

Kaylee had her Well Care visit on January 12th, She was 30.9 inches (28%) and weighed in at 19 pounds and 5 ounces. Still only (1%)!! Our doctor was totally amazed by her vocabulary! At 15 months she should have been able to say 2 other words besides Mommy and Daddy. (the minimum requirement) She was at 20!


Three months later she asked us if she knew 10 words..

 I made a list before the appointment and she was a couple away from 60!!
 We are so proud of her!

And that brings us to her head circumference 47cm (64%) She was 55% at 15 months. Huge head for that little body!

We are excited to see how much she grows in the next 6 months! Also posted are her 18 months pictures taken at Target.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her hair looks so cute in these pics!