Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can you believe it?

Well... I just turned 21 and Kaylee is now 14 months old. And she is walking! Just last week she decided to venture away from furniture, and day by day she is getting better. Yesterday she taught herself to get up to standing without pulling herself up on furniture.

New Floor put in by my wonderful Daddy!
We are getting settled into our new home which we finally moved into the night before Kaylee's birthday. Everything is painted and we have new carpet and recently new flooring put into our kitchen. It is starting to feel like home.

Poor little Kaylee is getting so confused about Kevin leaving for work. She finally warms up to him on Sunday and then he disappears on Monday. Also we are having the constant noise of construction workers out front because they are building a new phase on our street. Kaylee confuses the beeping of the trucks and tractors as Da Da's truck. I'm trying to explain it the best I can but for now we just say daddy went bye bye. We are really hoping a new job comes along soon. 60 hours and going out of town every week is not working out.

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