Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Brigham City Temple Open House

We had the opportunity to go to the Brigham City Temple Open House. Kaylee was so excited! She put on a pretty dress and was ready to see where "people get married."

We went with my family, My Mom, Dad, Sister and two brothers. Kevin's Mom and Step-dad were also able to come too. -Waiting at the bus pickup.

Kaylee was really excited to ride on a bus. She has been seeing school buses at preschool and has been dying to be on one. This was as close as we could get to a school bus.

Got to love when someone steals your camera ;)
My brother Braden and Kevin's Step-dad, Jim.

I am so grateful that families can be forever! I love my family so much!

I love how her hair just blows in the wind. She is so precious!

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