Monday, July 30, 2012

Eating Baby Food!!

I can't believe almost a half year has gone by! I had previously planned to wait until Landen was six months before starting baby food. (I just couldn't wait any longer!!) With him being the healthy boy that he is, he has a great appetite and I was sure he would love some food. As he started to show signs of readiness... I decided to give it a go!

First off, I found a bunch of Baby Bullets on clearance at Walmart. I couldn't resist! And buying this just made me more anxious...

I am so amazed at how easy it is to make my own baby food. It has really great information on choosing foods, how to feed them, allergy risks, and so forth.

I had no idea how to feed Kaylee... no wonder she lost so much weight :/ Anywho.. So now I know a lot more this time around :) The baby bullet guide has you feed them breastmilk/formula and then about 1 tablespoon of food for the first week. (Much better idea than feeding them a bowl of cereal and letting them drink a little milk at the end.) I wish someone would have told me!! Breastmilk is still a very important part of his diet so all he needs is some introduction to solids.

They have you choose two foods that are low risk allergy and perfect first foods. Any two you want! I've always thought you tried cereal, then bananas, and so forth. Then you feed them food #1 for 4 days (check for allergies) and then food #2 for 4 days (watch for allergies again)

Well boring old me.. I made him cereal for his first food. I bought brown rice from my favorite store (Winco!). It is 56 cents a pound! So cheap!! Using the miling blade and their recipe you turn it into a powder boil and simmer, then freeze into individual servings. It tastes delicious too! And I know he is just eating rice and water, no additives, colorings, flavorings, insect parts, etc.

*Yes I am becoming a bit biased. The book, obviously being very biased, made a very good point. As commerical baby food is made for connvience, it should be used on occasion. Adults are not advised to eat fast food and other foods that come from boxes, jars, or cans for every meal. This should be the same for your baby!

Yes I have a stockpile with boxes of cereal and jars of baby food I got with coupons! I plan to use these when we are out and about. But I am totally sold on the idea of fresh fruits, veggies, and grains for my baby.

All ready for the big day!

Yummy brown rice cereal!


Day 2: Kevin's turn...

Messy face boy!

Day 4: He was so excited when I put him in his highchair. I love this cute little face!

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