Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day Weekend- Flaming Gorge, Swim Beach.

I was planning on leaving Thursday until my dad called on Wednesday and said they wanted to leave in the next couple hours. Kevin helped me get the car packed up and we left on a little adventure. It was a 3 hour drive, a drive we have made several times but geez what a long drive! Kaylee fell asleep just before we got there, arriving at midnight. Landen was such a good baby. We stopped for gas and I fed him. Uncle Braden rode with us, it was nice to have someone to talk to to keep me awake and check on the little kiddos.

Day 1: Thursday.
Dressed and ready to play in the sand.

She just loves my little brother Tyler. She makes him do everything with her.

Kaylee had so much fun playing outside.

All snuggled up to go out in the boat. It was pretty windy and cold but she really wanted to go with Papa.

Trying to eat a cookie, haha (Her fingers were ice cold)

Day 2: Friday.

We got a break from the wind and I was able to play with Kaylee while Landen took a nap in the trailer.

I made a little lake for her by making trips back and forth from the water to the trailer.

We were able to make some sand castles with the wet sand.

We were warned about a high wind warning and spent the remaining of the trip inside. Kaylee was standing to close to the trailer door as it slammed on her thumb. :( If you look close you can see her bandage. We decided to snuggle up and watch a movie. Thank goodness for generators!

I love my two cute kids, they are my world!

Day 3: Saturday.
Playing games...

Thank goodness for sunglasses! They came in handy to keep the blowing sand out of her eyes when we did go outside.

Kevin came up Friday night after work. I never thought I would miss him so much! What a cute little Landen :) He mostly slept and ate. He hated the wind and dry air. But... Landen started to sleep through the night, probably the white noise.

Kevin played Monopoly most of the trip. He had a lot of fun playing with my cousins.

Day 4: Sunday

Kaylee had her first hot dog we made over the camp fire. We got rained on and had to eat inside.

We had ribs, and dutch oven cobbler. Yum!

Love her face!

Last day: Monday, Papa took her on a ride just before we left.

Then daddy took her for a ride. She loved it!

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