Monday, March 14, 2011

Beehive Beauties Pageant

Our day started bright and early! Kaylee got a bath, got all lathered up with lotion. 
and her hair done while she ate breakfast.

We got to Weber State and as soon as we walked in she got everyone's attention.
Our cute little girl was cute even with her curlers still in!
Kaylee was contestant number 205. She was the 5th of 7 girls in the 12-23 month age group. It was so exciting to hear all the compliments she got as we were waiting for the pageant to start.
Kaylee all dressed and ready to go!
Kaylee won "Sweetest Photo" this is the picture we entered..
I'm so proud of her! She did an amazing job waving and blowing kisses.
I just smiled as I took pictures and heard the crowd talk about how cute she was!
We were pretty fired up with the results. She did win two awards but she did not place.
 I did want to cry on the way home, Kevin and I were just surprised and confused.
Out of 7 girls she couldn't win 3rd?

I think a lot of the audience was shocked too. I guess that is what we had coming for being so confident. After seeing the other contestants I was pretty sure we had it in the bag. Darn PRIDE! Of course her Grandmas and Grandpas thought she was the cutest.
I'll have to post some better pictures when I get them from the Grandparents.

We learned from this experience that we don't have to spend money to try to get a few unexperienced judges' approval. Overall the pageant was a TON of fun! And I can't promise I won't try it again.

To top the day off... Kaylee and I went grocery shopping and we had non stop compliments. Seriously we broke a record for how many people came up to us. It was funny watching a couple different husbands nudge their wives "Look at how cute she is" as they made funny faces to get her to laugh.

To bad she was a loser of the Cutest Baby Contest...
We love her through and through and to me she will always be the most beautiful girl in the world!


The Meyer's said...

She looks SO cute!!! How fun! I can't believe how big she has gotten!

Lee and Kaylie said...

She does look so adorable! I'm really am jealous of all her hair! It's not the winning that counts, its the fun you all had and the whole overall experience! It's only what you think and know that is really important!