Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Potty Training now in Progress...

Friday, January 21st I brought the subject up to Kevin. Saturday I suggested the idea of going together as a family to buy a potty! Kaylee was very excited to sit and discover all the cool things it could do.

Sunday, Kevin and I both shared our Sacrament talks about "Families." I spent the day in Nursery helping one of the leaders out with all the little kiddos. I found out that both of her daughters were ready at 18 months!
I decided why not try? We'll just see how it goes.

After church we ran to the potty, but she had gone just as we walked in the door. After Lunch, we tried to poop but that ended up on the floor. Later we tried to pee but most of that was on the floor as well. Oh man, what did I get myself into! While I made dinner, Kevin sat in the bathroom with her and to our surprise she went! I couldn't believe it. We made a very big deal about it but she didn't care to much. Just before bed we could hear her in her room talking and laughing. I got her out of her bed and we decided to try again. We got the books out and read a bunch of stories. She just wanted to sit so we decided we might as well let her as long as she wanted to. All three of us were surprised again as we heard the potty start to sing!

Monday, Kaylee woke up 15 minutes early and called for me, but we didn't make it in time. We had a very rough morning. I decided we were going to take a break, at least for a couple weeks. I had been moping up the floor all morning. Kaylee woke up from her nap dry so after trying the potty again, we got a success! We went to Walmart and she picked out cute underwear, I bought her puppy stickers, and yogurt melts! (her favorite snack) 1st accident she was trying to open the lid to the potty. 2nd accident she told me "potty" she sat, and then she got up and ran, and peed by the wall. I made dinner and told Kevin it was all him! We gave her a bath, got her in a dry diaper and jammies. While we were talking we heard her cry for help, which I thought was because she was stuck under a chair. Kevin noticed her get up and do the potty dance. "Potty, Potty, Potty" she said. Jumping up and down.. We ran, but we didn't make it because of the zip up jammies. She gets so frustrated every time she wets herself. So frustrating for mommy too!

Tuesday, (today) I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue. . But I also didn't know if I had a choice. Because of this, Kaylee now knows when she has to pee and it bothers her. Kaylee woke up 20 minutes early, but I was relaxing in the bath and we didn't make it again. I could tell she had just barely gone in her diaper. She wore underwear. She went without underwear. And now I know she can hold it in because she hasn't gone all day. We tried the potty. We took a break and then tried again. So she wouldn't be in pain I put her back in a diaper and she told me as she was peeing. And then later as I was on the phone with Kevin, she came up freaking out as she was pooping. We dumped, and flushed, I changed her, we put the potty away. I cleaned up the house and she watched Sesame Street. We played and then watched the news. She started her potty dance once again. But I was thinking "No way, Just go in your diaper" I asked her if she needed to go potty and she ran to the bathroom saying "potty." She sat, she ran around the bathroom, sat again, got up again. And then I saw the look on her face and a drop of pee hit the floor. I grabbed her and put her on the potty. We sat, waited, and then she let it all go! I was so proud of her!! The potty sang, and she clapped. She helped me flush it and I helped her wash her hands. Then she picked out her puppy sticker. She was so excited. And then I told her she got a treat too! She jumped up and down. I love her so much!!


Kels said...

awe!! so exciting!!!

The Meyer's said...

Oh my gosh! That is exciting! I got Marley a potty in the middle of December. She has gone twice since. For some reason after she went she was so scared! I think she feel uncomfortable being so free down there. But the stickers and just doing the underwear is a good idea.... I'm so scared to start!! But I would like to have her potty trained by the time she is two... Any suggestions or advice?

KLEOS5 said...

We take it one day at a time. It has been a long process but I guess that is what I get for starting early. I really want her to be potty trained before her birthday as well. Kaylee was terrified and cried when she had to go or when we made her try to go. We have the same potty! Try putting the seat on the big potty. I stayed with Kaylee and read stories and sang songs and after she had gone a few times... and she figured out that it was okay and that she got rewarded.. She loved it. We have a couple accidents here and there but she is getting really good at telling me when she has to go! I read it can take up to 8 months for the whole process to be complete. So just be patient and she will at her own pace. Not everyone can do it in a day! At least not us haha She has pull ups at night and when we go out of the house. Going in the naked is a really good way to make them aware of their urges. One day of it and Kaylee wouldn't let us put her in diapers. I was so frustrated with the accidents I wanted to go back but she wouldn't let me. So we just keep moving forward, and it got better. Hope it goes well!