Sunday, July 31, 2011

Our trip to Idaho - Hill/Hurd Family Vacation

 The end of July we went up to Idaho with Kevin's Family. We stayed in cottages in Ashton, went swimming in Rexburg, and Spent a day in Yellowstone.

Sitting around camp eating an Oreo

Kaylee stitting around the campfire

We went to feed fish, but it turns out they didn't exist. So we avoided seagull poop.

We saw Elk, and Bison.

Old Faithful...

Hiking to see a waterfall...

A cow elk right by the road on our way out of West Yellowstone.


Kaylee eating breakfast with her cousins.

She LOVES pancakes!

And her milk :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kaylee turns 2!

Kaylee is two years old! We had such a great day together as a family. We bought bright pink and purple balloons and streamers. Kaylee chose an Abby Cadabby theme party!

Everything turned out super cute! I made her a teal and purple tutu, did her hair in pig tails, and made her an Abby Cadabby birthday cake!

 Kaylee was so excited to open her card from Grandpa Randy.

Once she saw it was a bunny card she ripped it open.

Opening Presents...

Kitchen utensils and accessories for her kitchen...

 Then we went to The Living Planet Aquarium.

Papa Jim, Grandma Susan, Great Grandma Woodcox met us there.

Aunt Stephie, and Uncle Braden rode down with us.

It was an awesome surprise when my Dad and Uncle Tyler showed up.
My cute two year old!

 We all had so much fun seeing all the cool creatures.

Kaylee loved them all!

These are the mini sea horses. They were so cute!
So little, So cute!

Kaylee and Stephanie looking at a little crab.
Kaylee loved the Sting Rays, they came right up to the sides and wanted to play. She loved splashing in the water too!

I can't believe she wasn't afraid of them.

The Abby cake I made... Vanilla and white cake with homemade strawberry filling. I made Abby out of marshmellow fondant.
Such a delicous cake and for my first one this complex I would say not to bad.

She loved having everyone sing to her!

She got a kitchen, a toddler bed, clothes, snacks, and Elmo and Abby books from us, Play food, Elmo phone, and clothes from Grandma Cheryl, Clothes, shoes, and an ice cream truck toy from Papa Jim, Grandma Susan, Kristi and Brad. Clothes from Grandma Beazer. A kitty stuffed animal from Aunt Amy, Potty Elmo, Play dough set and a pink crayon bank from Aunt Stephie.

Trying out her new big girl bed...