Friday, May 1, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #13

Day Thirteen

Sundays are the perfect day to reflect on the previous week and journal your thoughts and experiences. I invite you to take some time today to reflect on your experience so far. How has this past week gone? How are you feeling? Where would you like to improve? Start with these questions, begin expressing yourself.

A few things you can do:
  • Take a walk.
  • Enjoy fresh air and sunlight.
  • Play- what a great way to enjoy time together, create memories, and strengthen your relationships.
  • Enjoy a self nurturing/ Oxygen activity- Do something this weekend that will give you an extra boost and allow you to help other people. 
  • Find and challenge yourself to do something that you enjoy! I give you permission. Now give yourself permission to do it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I took my kiddos to the park! It was a beautiful night and since I am trying to get labor going walking is my new daily event!