Friday, May 1, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #12

Day Twelve

You know that thing that you've been wanting to do, but you haven't done it yet?

Today, I want you to do it! Choose one thing that you've been putting off and get it done!

Acknowledge your work and feel good about your accomplishment. You are productive!!

Share with us on the Event or Facebook Page

***Make sure you "Like" the Discovering Your Own Stream Facebook Page!


Unknown said...

I have wanted to make ice cream for awhile! I always make blender ice cream, but I wanted real churned creamy ice cream. We follow a very whole food based diet without the use of sugar at all! So I had to research a good dairy free sugar free recipe. I found one and made it! It tastes wonderful!!

a&nevans said...

I finally plucked my eyebrows! It may seem little but it desperately needed done and I did it! :)