Thursday, April 30, 2015

Love Who You Are Experience, Day #10

Day Ten,

Congratulations your half way there! You are doing awesome! We have had some really cool experiences this past week and a half. Has it really been that long? 

Today is a great day to check in with yourself. How are your thoughts and emotions changing? What are you doing differently? What can you be doing more of? What are you struggling with?

Welcome Beautiful Ladies! You are Beautiful, Talented, Important, and Unique. 

I'm interested in knowing more about you! 

What do YOU enjoy doing?

What is something that you have always wanted to learn how to do? 

What are some of your favorite things that you have learned to do? Or something that you want to become better at?

Growth Challenge for today: Tell me about yourself. Comment below or on the Event Page.

I'll go FIRST!

I really enjoy life! Some things that I enjoy:
  • Cooking and Baking 
  • AND Eating.
  • Reading
  • Being Pampered
  • Taking a bath
  • Assisting at Births
  • Learning how to make something new.
  • Teaching myself something new.
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Sewing
  • Helping other people
  • Spending time with my husband, 
  • Going on dates!
  • Family Fun Activities
  • Feeling Satisfied and Accomplished.
  • Watching Movies
Some things that I have always wanted to learn:
  • How to braid my own hair/new hairstyles that I pin on Pinterest.
  • Water Kefir
  • How to make milk kefir taste like store bought.
  • Babywear with a stretchy wrap.
I am always learning new things. ALWAYS. Pinterest has been such a good thing for my life. For the past few years I have been learning and growing SO MUCH! I have found so many things worth sharing, this is why I blog about them.

Some of my favorite things that I have learned:

  • Make my own sourdough start, then make my own bread, rolls, pancakes, crepes etc.
  • How to make my own yogurt.
  • Fermented Lemonade, carrot sticks, and sauerkraut. 
  • How to make sun-dried (or dehydrated) tomatoes.
  • Elderberry Syrup
  • Deodorant 
  • Re-mineralizing Toothpaste.
  • How to do a fish-tail braid.
  • Desserts that are Gluten and Dairy Free and Delicious!

1 comment:

a&nevans said...

I really want to learn how to sew better, play the piano and guitar, and learn Spanish!